


A widget for Volto to insert values for any language enabled

To be used with mrs-developer, see Volto docs for further usage informations.

Created with voltocli.

If using Volto < 16, use v1.3.0.


Add in your .env file of choice a variable:

#to use simple Universal Analytics (will be depracated in 2023)

#to use Google Analytics 4f

and include useGoogleAnalytics in your project, like:

import { useGoogleAnalytics } from 'volto-google-analytics'

const Footer = () => {

  return (


If your portal needs to follow GDPL, you can pass a parameter to the useGoogleAnalytics hook telling it whether or not we can create a cookie. If false is passed, GA will not be initialized, causing the cookie not to be created. The page view will also not be counted. If true is passed and GA has not been initialized, it will be initialized and the cookie will be written. If the parameter is not passed, true will be assumed. Example:

import { useGoogleAnalytics } from 'volto-google-analytics'

const Footer = ({cookieAllowed}) => {


  return (

Cookies expire

By default, Google Analytics cokkies expiration is set to 6 month. But you colud change the expiration period (expressing it in seconds), setting it from config:

config.settings['volto-google-analytics'].cookieExpires = 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; // in seconds. Default: 6 month

Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

Google will deprecate Universal Analytics on July 1, 2023, in favor of Google Analytics 4. Unitl that date, you could use Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 simultaneously, simply adding both RAZZLE_GA_CODE and RAZZLE_GA4_CODE in your .env.