


Volto addon for a customizable dropdown menu. Intended to be used with collective.volto.dropdownmenu

To be used with mrs-developer, see Volto docs for further usage informations.

Created with voltocli.


Afer installation, please add following lines into package.json to enable it.

 "addons": [


If you are using Volto < 16, then use v2.4.3

If you are using Volto < 12, then use v1.3.0

Simply load the addon in your project, then edit the configuration in /controlpanel/dropdown-menu-settings. Example configuration to be saved in Plone here.

To use the default template for the dropdown menu, add src/addons/volto-dropdownmenu/src/customizations in your package.json in customizationPaths.

  "customizationPaths": [

To customize the MenuConfigurationForm component, you can now create your own component in your site and replace it using the Volto component registry in your site config file:

import MyMenuConfigurationForm from './src/MyMenuConfigurationForm';

  name: 'MenuConfigurationForm',
  component: MyMenuConfigurationForm,

Navigation roots

By default, navigations roots are clickable, but there's the possibility to make them not clickable. Enabling the field 'clickableNavigationRoots' in volto-dropdownmenu config, a field appears in configuration form and let editor to decide if make navigation roots clickable or not.

  config.settings["volto-dropdownmenu"] = {
    "options": {
      "clickableNavigationRoots": true, //if true, a checkbox option in dropdown menu appears

Screenshots and demo


Addon controlpanel

Dropdown menu

Dropdown menu


You can watch a demonstration video on YouTube