

awesome-volto<!-- omit in toc -->

A curated list of things that make Volto awesome. Please feel free to contribute directly or send a PR! For add-ons for the CMS Plone which is the backend of Volto please see the awesome-plone list

Contents<!-- omit in toc -->

Official websites



:warning: While we try to list them all, some of these addons might be a Work in Progress, require special branches of Volto or dedicated Plone addons.

Various addons that can't fit in a specific category, in mostly random order:


Rich text editing

Enhance the basic text editing experience

Layout addons

Enhancements to the way blocks can be used, to create custom layouts


Input components, to be reused in the form library



Plone backend add-ons for Volto

Training, example code, tutorials

Awesome React articles, relevant to any Volto developer

Websites built with Volto

Open-source websites built with Volto

The following websites have been built with Volto. You can find their complete source code by following their links. Please note that complex websites are built on top of Volto add-ons, and most of the time they're just an empty shell for the add-ons. You should check the dependencies in their package.json for more details.
