


These are notes I compiled while studying for the Magento Certified Developer Exam.

There will be not much updates to these notes but if you spot anything that is wrong or misspelled or if you feel you can contribute please make a pull request and I will review the commit.

1. Overview of the Exam

  1. Basics 6%
  2. Request Flow 7%
  3. Rendering 7%
  4. Databases 13%
  5. EAV 10%
  6. Adminhtml 7%
  7. Catalog 10%
  8. Checkout 16%
  9. Sales & Customers 11%
  10. Advanced 13%

1.2 Structure of the Exam

Note: Magento states there are 85 questions and 70 marked but when I undertook the exam it was 72 questions with 70 marked.

2. Resources

2.1. Books

2.2. Online Resources

3. Study Plan

This is a rough idea on how to study each chapter