

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/logo_full_large.png" style="width: 60%" /><br/><br/>Simple <a href="https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/docs/stb_howto.txt">STB-style</a> cross-platform libraries for C and C++, written in C.<br/><br/> </p>


See what's new (24-Jul-2024: sokol_gfx.h WebGL2: important workaround for recent Chrome 127 regression on macOS)

Build Bindings build build OdinRustDlang

Examples and Related Projects

Core libraries

Utility libraries

'Official' Language Bindings

These are automatically updated on changes to the C headers:


WebAssembly is a 'first-class citizen', one important motivation for the Sokol headers is to provide a collection of cross-platform APIs with a minimal footprint on the web platform while still being useful.

The core headers are standalone and can be used independently from each other.

Why C:

A blog post with more background info: A Tour of sokol_gfx.h



A minimal cross-platform application-wrapper library:

The vanilla Hello-Triangle using sokol_gfx.h, sokol_app.h and the sokol-shdc shader compiler (shader code not shown):

#include "sokol_app.h"
#include "sokol_gfx.h"
#include "sokol_log.h"
#include "sokol_glue.h"
#include "triangle-sapp.glsl.h"

static struct {
    sg_pipeline pip;
    sg_bindings bind;
    sg_pass_action pass_action;
} state;

static void init(void) {
        .environment = sglue_environment(),
        .logger.func = slog_func,

    float vertices[] = {
         0.0f,  0.5f, 0.5f,     1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
         0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f,     0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
        -0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f,     0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f
    state.bind.vertex_buffers[0] = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){
        .data = SG_RANGE(vertices),

    state.pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
        .shader = sg_make_shader(triangle_shader_desc(sg_query_backend())),
        .layout = {
            .attrs = {
                [ATTR_vs_position].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT3,
                [ATTR_vs_color0].format = SG_VERTEXFORMAT_FLOAT4

    state.pass_action = (sg_pass_action) {
        .colors[0] = { .load_action=SG_LOADACTION_CLEAR, .clear_value={0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } }

void frame(void) {
    sg_begin_pass(&(sg_pass){ .action = state.pass_action, .swapchain = sglue_swapchain() });
    sg_draw(0, 3, 1);

void cleanup(void) {

sapp_desc sokol_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    (void)argc; (void)argv;
    return (sapp_desc){
        .init_cb = init,
        .frame_cb = frame,
        .cleanup_cb = cleanup,
        .width = 640,
        .height = 480,
        .window_title = "Triangle",
        .icon.sokol_default = true,
        .logger.func = slog_func,


A minimal audio-streaming API:

A simple mono square-wave generator using the callback model:

// the sample callback, running in audio thread
static void stream_cb(float* buffer, int num_frames, int num_channels) {
    assert(1 == num_channels);
    static uint32_t count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
        buffer[i] = (count++ & (1<<3)) ? 0.5f : -0.5f;

int main() {
    // init sokol-audio with default params
        .stream_cb = stream_cb,
        .logger.func = slog_func,

    // run main loop

    // shutdown sokol-audio
    return 0;

The same code using the push-model

#define BUF_SIZE (32)
int main() {
    // init sokol-audio with default params, no callback
        .logger.func = slog_func,
    assert(saudio_channels() == 1);

    // a small intermediate buffer so we don't need to push
    // individual samples, which would be quite inefficient
    float buf[BUF_SIZE];
    int buf_pos = 0;
    uint32_t count = 0;

    // push samples from main loop
    bool done = false;
    while (!done) {
        // generate and push audio samples...
        int num_frames = saudio_expect();
        for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
            // simple square wave generator
            buf[buf_pos++] = (count++ & (1<<3)) ? 0.5f : -0.5f;
            if (buf_pos == BUF_SIZE) {
                buf_pos = 0;
                saudio_push(buf, BUF_SIZE);
        // handle other per-frame stuff...

    // shutdown sokol-audio
    return 0;


Load entire files, or stream data asynchronously over HTTP (emscripten/wasm) or the local filesystem (all native platforms).

Simple C99 example loading a file into a static buffer:

#include "sokol_fetch.h"
#include "sokol_log.h"

static void response_callback(const sfetch_response*);

#define MAX_FILE_SIZE (1024*1024)
static uint8_t buffer[MAX_FILE_SIZE];

// application init
static void init(void) {
    // setup sokol-fetch with default config:
    sfetch_setup(&(sfetch_desc_t){ .logger.func = slog_func });

    // start loading a file into a statically allocated buffer:
        .path = "hello_world.txt",
        .callback = response_callback
        .buffer_ptr = buffer,
        .buffer_size = sizeof(buffer)

// per frame...
static void frame(void) {
    // need to call sfetch_dowork() once per frame to 'turn the gears':

// the response callback is where the interesting stuff happens:
static void response_callback(const sfetch_response_t* response) {
    if (response->fetched) {
        // data has been loaded into the provided buffer, do something
        // with the data...
        const void* data = response->buffer_ptr;
        uint64_t data_size = response->fetched_size;
    // the finished flag is set both on success and failure
    if (response->failed) {
        // oops, something went wrong
        switch (response->error_code) {

// application shutdown
static void shutdown(void) {


Simple cross-platform time measurement:

#include "sokol_time.h"
/* initialize sokol_time */

/* take start timestamp */
uint64_t start = stm_now();

...some code to measure...

/* compute elapsed time */
uint64_t elapsed = stm_since(start);

/* convert to time units */
double seconds = stm_sec(elapsed);
double milliseconds = stm_ms(elapsed);
double microseconds = stm_us(elapsed);
double nanoseconds = stm_ns(elapsed);

/* difference between 2 time stamps */
uint64_t start = stm_now();
uint64_t end = stm_now();
uint64_t elapsed = stm_diff(end, start);

/* compute a 'lap time' (e.g. for fps) */
uint64_t last_time = 0;
while (!done) {
    ...render something...
    double frame_time_ms = stm_ms(stm_laptime(&last_time));


Unified argument parsing for web and native apps. Uses argc/argv on native platforms and the URL query string on the web.

Example URL with one arg:


The same as command line app:

kc85 type=kc85_4

Parsed like this:

#include "sokol_args.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    sargs_setup(&(sargs_desc){ .argc=argc, .argv=argv });
    if (sargs_exists("type")) {
        if (sargs_equals("type", "kc85_4")) {
            // start as KC85/4
        else if (sargs_equals("type", "kc85_3")) {
            // start as KC85/3
        else {
            // start as KC85/2
    return 0;

See the sokol_args.h header for a more complete documentation, and the Tiny Emulators for more interesting usage examples.