


<p align="center"> <img src="./.meta-files/images/Hero-Screenshot.png" width="80%"> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://badge.fury.io/js/guify"><img src="https://badge.fury.io/js/guify.svg" alt="npm version" height="18"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://jons.website/projects/guify">Demo</a> | <a href="/docs/api.md">Docs</a> </p>

Guify is a runtime JS library that gives you a simple way to build a GUI for your JS projects. It pairs very well with three.js and p5.js. Consider it an opinionated take on dat.GUI.

Here are the big features:


Below are some common ways to integrate Guify with your setup.

Quick Start (Browser)

To integrate on an existing page, you can use the transpiled version in /lib, either by including it with your files or using a CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/guify@0.15.1/lib/guify.min.js"></script>

This adds a guify function at the global level, which you can use to construct the GUI. For example:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/guify@0.15.1/lib/guify.min.js"></script>

    var gui = new guify({ ... })
    gui.register([ ... ])

See the <a href="#Usage">Usage guide</a> below for more details. example.html also demonstrates this pattern.

Quick Start (NPM)

First, install with NPM: npm install --save guify

Then you can import using either require or import depending on your preference:

// ES6
import guify from 'guify'

// Require
let guify = require('guify');

Then you can make a quick GUI this way:

var gui = new guify({ ... });
gui.Register([ ... ]);

See the <a href="#Usage">Usage guide</a> below for more details.

Quick Start (React)

Check out the unofficial React port.


Once you have Guify available to construct in your project, make a guify instance:

var gui = new guify({
    title: "Some Title",

The various controls in Guify are called "components". You can feed component definitions to Guify as follows:

    { // A slider representing a value between 0 and 20
        type: 'range', label: 'Range',
        min: 0, max: 20, step: 1,
        onChange: (value) => {
        type: 'button', label: 'Button',
        action: () => {
            console.log('Button clicked!');
        type: 'checkbox', label: 'Checkbox',
        onChange: (value) => {

You can also bind components representing a value to your JS variables instead of using an onChange() handler. For example:

var someNumber = 10;
    { // A slider representing `someNumber`, constrained between 0 and 20.
        type: 'range', label: 'Range',
        min: 0, max: 20, step: 1,
        object: this, property: 'someNumber'

There are many points of customization here. See the docs at /docs/api.md. A much more robust example can also be found at example.html.

Building This Package

If you want to build this package, you can run npm install and then npm run build:prod, which will create /lib/guify.min.js.

NPM commands:


See changelog.md.


MIT license. See license.md for specifics.


This package is largely based on control-panel. For setting this up, I used webpack-library-starter.
