


@colap-dev/ngx-britecharts is an Angular2+ library for creating and displaying Britecharts in your web application using D3.js v4. Demo available for Angular's versions 2, 4 and 5.

Don't now what Britecharts is? Check this out.


Visit https://colapdev.github.io/ngx-britecharts/.


npm install @colap-dev/ngx-britecharts --save

Using it in your project

Include the charts module.

import { ChartModule } from '@colap-dev/ngx-britecharts/dist';

  imports: [
  declarations: [
  providers: [
  bootstrap: [...]

Adding styles

In order to use the original Britecharts styles you'll need to include the needed CSS files. There's a base file for all charts and then each chart has it's own CSS.

@import '../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/common/common.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/bar.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/brush.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/bullet.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/donut.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/grouped-bar.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/line.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/scatter-plot.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/sparkline.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/stacked-area.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/stacked-bar.min.css';
@import '../../../node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/step.min.css';

Chart types

Each chart type is defined by a number defined in the enum ChartType.

Bar = 1
Brush = 2
Bullet = 3
Donut = 4
GroupedBar = 5
Heatmap = 6
Legend = 7
Line = 8
ScatterPlot = 9
Sparkline = 10
StackedArea = 11
StackedBar = 12
Step = 13

Rendering the chart


<ngx-bc-chart #lineChart [data]="lineChartData" [chartConfig]="lineChartConfig" [chartType]="8"></ngx-bc-chart>


@ViewChild('lineChart') lineChart: ChartComponent;
private lineChartData = [...];
private lineChartConfig = {
    properties: {
        isAnimated: true,
        aspectRatio: 0.5,
        grid: 'horizontal',
        tooltipThreshold: 600,
        margin: {
            top: 60,
            bottom: 50,
            left: 50,
            right: 30
        dateLabel: 'fullDate',
    click: this.onDemoLineChartClick,
    tooltip: {
        valueLabel: 'value',
        title: 'Quantity Sold',
    loading: false

Check the demos for examples of chart configurations.

It's worth noting that all the API is exposed and public so you can interact with the chart and it's tooltip from your component. In the line chart example defined above you can access it and it's corresponding tooltip by doing:


Exporting the chart

To export the chart just call the exportChart function the chart exposes.



<ngx-bc-chart #lineChart ....></ngx-bc-chart>
<button (click)="exportChartClick()" ....>Export</button>


@ViewChild('lineChart') lineChart: ChartComponent;
private exportChartClick() {
    this.lineChart.chart.exportChart('Exported bar chart.png', 'Chart title');

The file name and chart title must be sent inside the event.

Data format

The data format used by the charts is the same defined by Britecharts, you can check each available type in their docs.

Running the demo

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. cd into demo folder.
  3. npm install
  4. npm run start
  5. Browse to http://localhost:4200


We are open to pull requests including:


Feel free to open any issue in case you need help.


Britecharts community, specially Marcos Iglesias for his support and patience.

@dzurico for this post http://www.dzurico.com/how-to-create-an-angular-library/.