

Enhancer Identification from DNA sequence using Transfer and Adversarial Deep Learning


This package implements deep-learning based training algorithms for enhancer classification, described in [1]

Authors: Dikla Cohn, Or Zuk and Tommy Kaplan


Use: Python 3.5.2+ and Python2.7 tensorflow 1.1.0 used on Linux machine, gpu (nvidia tesla M60)

For k-shuffling we used the uShuffle tool [2]: link for downloading the uShuffle library: http://digital.cs.usu.edu/~mjiang/ushuffle/ How to Use uShuffle in Python: http://digital.cs.usu.edu/~mjiang/ushuffle/python.html Build a shared library ushuffle.so and save it in the main directory (enhancer_CNN/).

For finding denovo motifs and comparing to known motifs we used the Homer tool [3].

Data Preparation:

For all projects (except the simulated_data project): save positive (and negative if needed) samples as text files to: /<project_name>/data/samples/<species_name>/ <br /> The files should contain one line for each sample string (of A,C,G,T only, no N's) <br /> Name the files: negative_samples positive_samples (negative samples not required for k_shuffle projects). Each file should contain: <br /> for TF data - 12K lines (samples) for H3K27ac data - 14K lines (samples)

Specifically for the simulated_data project, no need to create positive and negative samples in advance. Run: <br /> python2.7 simulated_data/run_data_loader.py simulated_data_<motif_name> <normal_sigma> <br /> For example: <br /> python2.7 simulated_data/run_data_loader.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40 <br /> This module creates the simulated data of one TF: CEBBA or HNF4A. Each sample contains a short sequence sampled from the PWM of the TF. <br /> The location of the planted motif is sampled with normal distribution around the center of each sample, according to the given <sigma> value. (We used sigma=40). <br /> This module also writes all created data samples and labels both as text files and as numpy binary files to: /simulated_data/data/normal_dist_centers/<motif_name>/samples/ <br /> /simulated_data/data/normal_dist_centers/<motif_name>/npy_files/ <br /> The generated files contain 10K samples in positive samples and 10K samples in negative samples. <br />

Additional data used in the paper [1] is available at: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~tommy//enhancer_CNN/Enhancers_vs_negative.tgz. <br /> There are 3 types of files in the gzipped tar file. For each of the 17 species we used in the paper, you can find the positive_samples and negative_samples sequences (500bp each) in appropriate files, 14K in each file. The files in peaks_fasta_files are FASTA formatted and contain the full list of 500bp positive sequences, each with its genomic coordinates.


  1. data loader: (from string sequences (ACGT...) to npy files) - run with a specific project dir:

for simulated data project: python2.7 simulated_data/run_data_loader.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma>

for other projects: python2.7 /<project_name>/run_data_loader.py [<k>]

for the k-shuffle projects (TF_vs_k_shuffle, H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle or negative_data_vs_k_shuffle), before running the above run_data_loader.py, run: python2.7 /<project_name>/data_loader_<project_name>.py

for example: python2.7 /TF_vs_k_shuffle/data_loader_TF_vs_k_shuffle.py <br /> python2.7 /negative_data_vs_k_shuffle/data_loader_negative_data_vs_k_shuffle_each_species.py <br /> This module creates data for each species separately, and for all values of k (k=1,...,9).

  1. CNN train: CNN_trainer creates tar files of new network models, and saves them to <project_name>/checkpoints dir.

for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <num_runs> <num_epochs> <normal_sigma> for example: python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR 50 20 normal_40

for other projects: python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py <project_name> <num_runs> <num_epochs> [<k>] for example: python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py TF_vs_negative_data 50 20 python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py TF_vs_k_shuffle 50 20 4 python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py H3K27ac_vs_negative_data 50 20 python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle 50 20 4

for training on all k values: sbatch /<project_name>/train_all_k.sh

Before testing: copy tar files from: <project_name>/checkpoints dir to: <project_name>/checkpoints_tmp dir, such that checkpoints_tmp dir will contain only tar files of models you wish to test on.

  1. CNN test: for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for example: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40

for other projects: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py <project_name> [<k>] for testing networks trained on all k values: sbatch /<project_name>/test_all_k.sh

  1. show convolution: for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/show_convolution.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /CNN/show_convolution.py <project_name> [<\k>]

  2. tensor visualization: (used for Figure4 and Figure6) for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/tensor_visualization.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /CNN/tensor_visualization.py <project_name> [<k>]

  3. Compare to known motifs (using the Homer tool - compareMotifs.pl): (used for Figure 4 and Figure 6) for simulated_data project: python3 /motifs/read_filters_and_run_Homer_compare_motifs.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /motifs/read_filters_and_run_Homer_compare_motifs.py <project_name> [<k>]

  4. Homer find denovo and known motifs (using the Homer tool - findMotifs.pl): for simulated_data project: python3 /create_data_for_Homer.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> python3 /run_Homer_find_denovo_motifs.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma>

for other projects: python3 /create_data_for_Homer.py <project_name> [<k>] python3 /run_Homer_find_denovo_motifs.py <project_name> [<k>]

PSSM straw man model: (both with and without prior knowlegde regarding the distribution of planted motif's location) First PSSM model - uses PWM of CEBPA transcription factor from JASPAR: for simulated_data project: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py <project_name>

Second PSSM model - uses PWM of denovo motif (first result in Homer findMotifs, when running on positive vs. negative data): for simulated_data project: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_denovo <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py <project_name>

for example, python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40 python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_denovo normal_40


The code shown below was used to generate the figures in the paper [1]

Figure2: python3 /roc_comparison.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for example, python3 /roc_comparison.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40

Figure3 and supp.Figure3: For TF projects: python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_TF.py <project_name> [<k>]

for example: python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_TF.py TF_vs_negative_data python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_TF.py TF_vs_k_shuffle <k> and similarly for enhancer projects: python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_enhancer.py H3K27ac_vs_negative_data python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_enhancer.py H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle <k>

Figure5: python3 /CNN/display_k_graph_different_models.py TF_vs_k_shuffle negative_data_vs_k_shuffle H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle


This package was developed by Dikla Cohn, as part of work on the paper [1]. Please cite this paper if using the package


[1] "Enhancer Identification using Transfer and Adversarial Deep Learning of DNA Sequences" D. Cohn, O. Zuk and T. Kaplan (Biorxiv, 2018)

[2] uShuffle: A useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts. Jiang, M. et al., 2008 BMC Bioinformatics 2008 9:192

[3] Simple Combinations of Lineage-Determining Transcription Factors Prime cis-Regulatory Elements Required for Macrophage and B Cell Identities. Heinz, S. et al., 2010 MolCell,38(4), 576-589. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2010.05.004