

Python package

Python AUTOSAR v0.5

A set of Python modules for working with AUTOSAR XML files.

The primary use case is to enable Python to generate ARXML files for import in other (commercial) AUTOSAR toolchains. It also has some support for parsing AUTOSAR XML files.

Important notes:

  1. Python AUTOSAR v0.5+ uses a new API and is incompatible with earlier versions.
  2. For Python AUTOSAR v0.4, see the v0.4 maintenance branch.
  3. At this point most elements are supported except for SwcInternalBehavior. Due to its massive size, that element won't have proper support until v0.5.5.

Major design changes

AUTOSAR v0.5 has been rewritten and modernized.

Key features:

Supported AUTOSAR versions

The implementation tries to follow release R22-11. However, the generated ARXML validates against all versions listed below. When saving, use the schema_version parameter to select desired version (integer with value 48-51).

Only Clasic AUTOSAR will be supported.

Supported XML elements

For currently supported XML elements, see the CHANGELOG file.


import autosar.xml
import autosar.xml.element as ar_element

workspace = autosar.xml.Workspace()
workspace.create_package_map({"ApplicationDataTypes": "DataTypes/ApplicationDataTypes",
                              "DataConstrs": "DataTypes/DataConstrs"})
data_constraint = ar_element.DataConstraint.make_internal("uint8_ADT_DataConstr", 0, 255)
workspace.add_element("DataConstrs", data_constraint)
sw_data_def_props = ar_element.SwDataDefPropsConditional(data_constraint_ref=data_constraint.ref())
data_type = ar_element.ApplicationPrimitiveDataType("uint8_ADT",
workspace.add_element("ApplicationDataTypes", data_type)
workspace.create_document("datatypes.arxml", packages="/DataTypes")



Manual install required as this version is not available on PyPI (until v0.6).


Download a compressed source package from GitHub or clone this repo to a local directory.

Installation steps for virtual environment

Start bash (Linux) or Powershell (Windows).

Create virtual environment

python -m venv .venv

Activate virtual environment

On Windows run:


On Linux run:

source .venv/bin/activate

Upgrade toolchain

Once virtual environment is active run:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools

Installing the Python module

Your current directory must be either where you unzipped the source package or your where you cloned the git repo (See preparation step above).

For standard install, run:

pip install  .

For editable install, run:

pip install --editable .

XML Workspace API

The autosar.xml.Workspace class offers two slightly different APIs for creating packages and elements. The main difference between them is the usage of namespaces.

Simple API methods

For small projects, use the simple API.

Methods in the simple API:

For for more information, see the Simple API - User Guide that demonstrates the use of this API.

Advanced API - Requires namespaces

The advanced API is recomended for larger projects. It requires you to write custom template classes in addition to creating namespaces.

Methods in the advanced API:

It can be quite powerful when used the right way but requires some setting up.

There's no user guide yet. See the files under examples/template for reference.

Common methods

A number of methods are common for both APIs. For the advanced API you can skip most of them and instead use config files (.toml) to let the Workspace class handle both package and document creation automatically.

Common methods:

Creating XML elements

The module autosar.xml.element contains all supported elements that you can add to a package. Most often you simply call the constructor for an object you want to create and then add it to a package.

Some elements are quite complicated to create manually. Instead of using the constructor method, some classes offers one or several convenience-methods with names beginning with either make_ or create_. Exploring these methods is highly recomended.

List of convenience-methods:

Python Module Hierachy


Packages for handling AUTOSAR XML (ARXML).


Implementation model, an intermediate model between XML and RTE generation.


RTE generators. Right now it only has a generator for the RTE type header. This part is in early stages of development and is probably not very useful.

Development Roadmap

Below is a rough roadmap of planned releases.

v0.5.0: Data types

v0.5.1: Value specifications and constants

v0.5.2: Port interfaces

v0.5.3: Components and ports

v0.5.4: SwcInternalBehavior - basics

v0.5.5 SwcInternalBehavior - ports

v0.5.6 Add some missing elements and functions that wasn't prioritized before.

v0.6.0: Stable version, publish to PyPI.

v0.7.0: RTE-generator and system description

v0.8.0: Stable version, publish to PyPI.

v0.9.0: Documentation

v1.0.0: Stable version, publish to PyPI.