

Keyboard Analyzer



<details><summary>📽️ Features walktrough video</summary> <br> <video src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50235526/185812119-392b895c-ebd5-48df-accf-98933ef8a234.mp4" controls></video> </details>


With this plugin you will be able to:

How to use

  1. To open plugin you can click on keyboard icon in status bar (to open in a new pane use Ctrl + Click)
  2. To open plugin run command Keyboard Analyzer: Open Shortcuts View

The plugin is poorly tested on operating systems other than Windows, I would be grateful for any help with testing support.


As plugin is not yet published in community plugins library, you will need to install it manually or with help of BRAT plugin for beta testing.

Manual Installation

Download release files main.js, styles.css and manifest.json from the releases and place this files inside [YOUR_OBSIDIAN_FOLDER]/.obsidian/.plugins/obsidian-keyboard-analyzer/.

Beta Testing - BRAT

  1. Install BRAT plugin
  2. Run command in obsidian: Obsidian42 - BRATPlugins: add a beta plugin for testing
  3. Paste this repository URL: https://github.com/cogscides/obsidian-keyboard-analyzer
  4. Enable Keyboard Analyzer plugin in plugins list

P.S. This is my first public code in my life - would be happy to get feedback or a donation which will help me to continue creating this and other plugins for obsidian.

Great thanks to the obsidian community: