

DRRN Agent (Modified for ScienceWorld)

This repository contains a reference implementation DRRN as mentioned in Interactive Fiction Games: A Colossal Adventure, that has been modified for use with the ScienceWorld environment.


Install Dependencies:

# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/cognitiveailab/drrn-scienceworld.git
cd drrn-scienceworld

# Create conda environment
conda create --name drrn1 python=3.8
conda activate drrn1
pip install -r requirements.txt

An example of training the DRRN model (using 8 threads, for 10k training steps, evaluating on dev every 1k steps):

cd drrn
python3 train-scienceworld.py --num_envs=8 --max_steps=10000 --task_idx=13 --simplification_str=easy --priority_fraction=0.50 --memory_size=100000 --env_step_limit=100 --eval_freq=1000 --eval_set=dev --historySavePrefix=drrn-task13-results-seed0-dev 


This configuration generally takes about 1-2 hours to run (to 10k steps).

ScienceWorld Task List

    0: 	                                                 task-1-boil  (30 variations)
    1: 	                        task-1-change-the-state-of-matter-of  (30 variations)
    2: 	                                               task-1-freeze  (30 variations)
    3: 	                                                 task-1-melt  (30 variations)
    4: 	             task-10-measure-melting-point-(known-substance)  (436 variations)
    5: 	           task-10-measure-melting-point-(unknown-substance)  (300 variations)
    6: 	                                     task-10-use-thermometer  (540 variations)
    7: 	                                      task-2-power-component  (20 variations)
    8: 	   task-2-power-component-(renewable-vs-nonrenewable-energy)  (20 variations)
    9: 	                                   task-2a-test-conductivity  (900 variations)
   10: 	             task-2a-test-conductivity-of-unknown-substances  (600 variations)
   11: 	                                          task-3-find-animal  (300 variations)
   12: 	                                    task-3-find-living-thing  (300 variations)
   13: 	                                task-3-find-non-living-thing  (300 variations)
   14: 	                                           task-3-find-plant  (300 variations)
   15: 	                                           task-4-grow-fruit  (126 variations)
   16: 	                                           task-4-grow-plant  (126 variations)
   17: 	                                        task-5-chemistry-mix  (32 variations)
   18: 	                task-5-chemistry-mix-paint-(secondary-color)  (36 variations)
   19: 	                 task-5-chemistry-mix-paint-(tertiary-color)  (36 variations)
   20: 	                             task-6-lifespan-(longest-lived)  (125 variations)
   21: 	         task-6-lifespan-(longest-lived-then-shortest-lived)  (125 variations)
   22: 	                            task-6-lifespan-(shortest-lived)  (125 variations)
   23: 	                               task-7-identify-life-stages-1  (14 variations)
   24: 	                               task-7-identify-life-stages-2  (10 variations)
   25: 	                       task-8-inclined-plane-determine-angle  (168 variations)
   26: 	             task-8-inclined-plane-friction-(named-surfaces)  (1386 variations)
   27: 	           task-8-inclined-plane-friction-(unnamed-surfaces)  (162 variations)
   28: 	                    task-9-mendellian-genetics-(known-plant)  (120 variations)
   29: 	                  task-9-mendellian-genetics-(unknown-plant)  (480 variations)

Hardware requirements

This code generally runs best with at least num_threads+1 CPU cores (e.g. about 10 cores for an 8-thread environment).

The GPU memory requirements are variable, but generally stay below 8gb.

Known issues


If this DRRN agent is helpful in your work, please cite the following:

  title={Interactive Fiction Games: A Colossal Adventure},
  author={Matthew Hausknecht and Prithviraj Ammanabrolu and Marc-Alexandre C{\^{o}}t{\'{e}} and Xingdi Yuan},