

Particle Effects for Buttons

Bursting particles effects for buttons. By Luis Manuel.

Particle Effects

Article on Codrops



Basic usage

The Particles library depends on anime.js to perform animations, so you need to include it before Particles. Also, please make sure to include all the scripts at the end of the body element.

Then you can start disintegrating/integrating things like:

<!-- Normal HTML element to disintegrate -->
<button class="button">Button</button>

<script src="anime.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/particles.min.js"></script>
    // Initialize a new instance of Particles to disintegrate/integrate the button
    var particles = new Particles('.button');

    // Disintegrate the button into particles

    // particles.integrate(); // would do the opposite


For customization, you can pass options to Particles constructor. That options will override the default values, and will be used for any future operation (disintegrate or integrate). You can also override the options for a specific operation. Here is the complete list of options available:

canvasPaddingInteger150Padding for the generated canvas that will be positioned right behind the target element. A canvasPadding = 0 will cause the canvas and the target element to have the same dimensions.
durationInteger1000Duration (ms) to perform the animations of target element and particles.
easingString or FunctioneaseInOutCubicEasing function to perform the animation of target element. It will be passed directly to anime.js.
typeStringcircleType of particle. Could be any of the following values: circle, rectangle, triangle
styleStringfillStyle of particle. Could be any of the following values: fill, stroke.
directionStringleftDirection to start disintegrating the element. Could be any of the following values: left, right, top, bottom. The opposite direction will be used to perform the integrate operation.
sizeFloat or FunctionRandom from 1 to 4Size (px) for particles.
speedFloat or FunctionRandom from -2 to 2Pixels per frame that a particle will be moved. It could be a function to set it randomly per particle (as default value).
colorStringTarget's background-colorColor used to fill the particles.
particlesAmountCoefficientFloat3A coefficient to calculate the amount of particles to animate. A particlesAmountCoefficient = 0 will result in 0 particles, while bigger values will increase the amount of particles.
oscilationCoefficientFloat20A coefficient to calculate the oscilation of particles while animating. A oscilationCoefficient = 0 will result in no oscilation (straight movements), while bigger values will increase the oscilation, resulting in a kind of randomness.
beginFunctionundefinedExecute a function at the beginning of the animation.
completeFunctionundefinedExecute a function at the end of the animation.

Wrapper for popular Javascript frameworks

Thanks to amazing contributors, the library can be used easily in the following popular Javascript frameworks:


This resource can be used freely if integrated or build upon in personal or commercial projects such as websites, web apps and web templates intended for sale. It is not allowed to take the resource "as-is" and sell it, redistribute, re-publish it, or sell "pluginized" versions of it. Free plugins built using this resource should have a visible mention and link to the original work. Always consider the licenses of all included libraries, scripts and images used.


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