

🛠 c8-reproduce

c8 Lies in it's report when node.js loader and mocks used. There is not uncovered lines actually.


Why do I need mocks?

When I have next code:

import {readFileSync} from 'fs'; // don't want actual reading
import {execSync} from 'child_process'; // don't need actual execution

// just want test the function
export default async (name, program) => {
    if (name)
        return readFileSync(name, 'utf8');
      if (program)
          return execSync(program);
      return 'nothing';

I need to mock readFile and execSync somehow. If I don't use transpiler-based solutions (like tap, jest, ava etc), I have only loaders way of doing thing. I'm using 📼Supertape simplest test runner, so I need a way to mock EcmaScript Modules without transpiling (it eats a lot of time). So I use some transformation, but it's very simple and works with help of loaders which are very fast.


Posibile solutions