This project is no longer being maintained. It has been rewritten in javascript and now lives at CSSCompressor
CSS Compressor
CSSCompression is a PHP based CSS minifier that analyzes stylesheets for various compressions. It finds possible CSS shorthand techniques for combination of properties.
require( 'src/CSSCompression.php' );
$compressed = CSSCompression::express( $css, 'sane' );
Or, if you need to run it multiple times
$CSSC = new CSSCompression( 'sane' );
$compressed = $CSSC->compress( $css );
Modes are pre-defined sets of options that can be set by passing in the mode name.
safe: (99% safe) Safe mode does zero combinations or organizing. It's the best mode if you use a lot of hacks.
sane: (90% safe) Sane mode does most combinations(multiple long hand notations to single shorthand), but still keeps most declarations in their place.
small: (65% safe) Small mode reorganizes the whole sheet, combines as much as it can, and will break most comment hacks.
full: (64% safe) Full mode does everything small does, but also converts hex codes to their short color name alternatives.
Here's a few different ways to initiate a mode.
// Express with safe mode
$compressed = CSSCompression::express( $css, 'safe' );
// Creating new instance with sane mode
$CSSC = new CSSCompression( 'sane' );
// Setting an instance with small mode
$CSSC->mode( 'small' );
// Or compressing with the current instance, and setting full mode
$compressed = $CSSC->compress( $css, 'full' );
Singleton Instances
Yes the compressor provides singleton access(separate from express), but use it wisely.
$CSSC = CSSCompression::getInstance();
// Or, if you want to keep named instances
$rose_instance = CSSCompression::getInstance('rose');
$blue_instance = CSSCompression::getInstance('blue');
Option Handling
The compressor has an option function with multiple functionalities.
If no arguments are passed in, the entire options array is returned.
If a single name argument is passed, then the value of that key name in the options array is returned.
If both a name and value are passed, then that value is set to it's corresponding key in the array.
// Returns entire options array
$options = $CSSC->option();
// Returns the readability option value
$readability = $CSSC->option( 'readability' );
// Sets the readability to non-readable
$CSSC->option( 'readability', CSSCompression::READ_NONE );
Alternatively, you can use direct access methods
// Direct access to options array
$options = $CSSC->options;
// Direct access to readability option value
$readability = $CSSC->readability;
// Direct setting of readability value
$CSSC->readability = CSSCompression::READ_NONE;
Additionally, a reset function is provided to revert back to base options (decided at runtime).
// Resets options to original values
The compressor class provides static integers that map to the internal readability values
CSSCompression::READ_MAX // Maximum Readability
CSSCompression::READ_MED // Medium readability of output
CSSCompression::READ_MIN // Minimal readability of output
CSSCompression::READ_NONE // No readability of output (full compression into single line)
// To set maximum readability (Assuming you have your own instance)
$CSSC->option( 'readability', CSSCompression::READ_MAX );
// Or, just pass it in as another option
$options = array(
'readability' => CSSCompression::READ_MAX,
// Other options ...
// Get full readability through express
$compressed = CSSCompression::express( $css, $options );
Corey Hart - Creator
Martin Zvarík - Pointed out the url and empty definition bug.
Phil DeJarnett - Pointed out splitting(and numerous other) problems
Stoyan Stefanov - At rules writeup and test suite help.
Julien Deniau - Pointed out escaped characters issue
Olivier Gorzalka - Strict error warnings cleanup