


An input method without morphological analysis.

How to build

Build package/dmg

$ cd aquaskk/platform/mac
$ make pkg
$ make dmg

Install debug build

After install AquaSKK package, you could replace AquaSKK.app with debug build.

$ cd aquaskk/platform/mac
$ make install

You might need logout/login to start new AquaSKK process.

Install release build

After install AquaSKK package, you could replace AquaSKK.app with release build.

$ cd aquaskk/platform/mac
$ make install-rc

You might need logout/login to start new AquaSKK process.


Use with iTerm2/Apple Terminal.app

see http://mzp.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/03/15/213219

Use with JetBrains products

see http://mzp.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/10/29/095435