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Hands on Swift Playgrounds for iPad

This playgrounds will show you how to code :) Not from the very beginning, but with super funny features. The first features in this playground will show you how to use the Mircosoft Cognitive Services APIs within fun and easy to learn scenarios.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1MydCzpsf95CoG_2Y0igK5_58uVYeigPm" width="800"> </p>

What specific APIs will I learn?

The first APIs out of this huge suite will be the

To get going with those technologies the examples in the playground will get you kick started into the topic :)

Details on the playground

The Playground is compatible with the Swift Playground App, currently iOS 10, and Xcode 8. You will be able to execute the playground itself in Xcode and in Swift Playgrounds without any changes to the code. But be aware that you can't execute playground books in Xcode. They just RUN on the iPad.

How the heck can I get this playground onto my iPad

With Airdrop - Just that easy :D But make sure that you are using Mac OS 10.11.6. I encountered connectivity troubles between the iPad and MacBook Pro when running under Mac OS 10.11.4. And you are surely aware of it, but I will mention it anyways: turn on Bluetooth - otherwise Airdrop won't work ;) Might save you a minute or two :D And same Wifi/network is a good idea too. Yes, Caption Obvious!

How does all of this work?

The playground and playground book are full of hints for handling the Cognitive Service APIs. All you have to do is fire up Xcode, open the files and just add your own keys for Computer Vision, Emotion and Face to the CognitiveServices.swift file. You'll get your keys as soon as you get your (free) trial on https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/try/cognitive-services/. So now just Airdrop your playgrounds over to your iPad and you should be ready to go!


I will try to get back to you if you have any trouble using the playgrounds. But as this is kind of a side project by now, please be patient - just ping me on Twitter via @codeprincess.