


Show me the code Meetup - bit.ly/showmethecode

Fb Group - Show-me-the-code-meetup

目標 Goal


香港的Tech Event不算多,而如台北Meetup的講座很多時都很長,


而有些時候卻變成Sales Pitch,講半天幫公司打廣告等等(香港尤甚)

又或是講得很High level,半天還未到主題

反而Lighting Talk 大家都很受落

在想以下的形式,叫"Show me the Code"的活動

希望大家能多提意見和分享,本來的概念參考設計界的pecha kucha--只能用20張照片的限時演講


規則 Rules

  1. 每晚5-6位講者,每人10-15分鐘(連Q&A)
  2. 不准用投影片,只能用代碼直接Demo和分享Idea
  3. 有需要可以用Whiteboard 輔助

形式 Format

This is a series of lighting tech talks, in order to promote

參與 Contribution

Add a talk:

Free Recruitment airtime

Folks hiring hk developers --- Free 3min Recruitment Airtime at our upcoming online developer meetup, if your company support #opensourcesoftware .

SHOW ME THE CODE Meetup is doing the #12 meetup in Cantonese (廣東話) next Tue (Feb9), our 2nd-time online. We have an active hk audience with ~30 developers shown up everytime.

You can have your team member introducing your company / I will read your recruitment ads. (Quota = 5 companies every meetup)

Eligible for Free Recruitment Airtime If your company meet any of the criteria below:

  1. has any member join as speaker doing any sharing in this event (~15min)
  2. able to show case any opensource contribution (PR/translations etc) within 6months, company size<500
  3. able to prove donation of $50+ USD to any project on opencollective https://lnkd.in/gA2QBEb within 1 month, company size<500

講者 Speakers


Previous LOGO Design: @waikitkan