

Carbon: Hackable white label CRM


Over the years, we have built multiple applications. We noticed at least 3 kinds of applications. One of them is a CRM. We've built a couple of applications that are CRM-like at the core. Of course since this is based on consultancy work, the apps are very much tied to needs of the client.

We are tired of building more or less the same app over and over again. So we are building Carbon. We want to use it to kickstart projects that need these kind of features.

We want to build a solid base that can be enriched for each new client and where everyone can benefit from the progress of all.

For this project we have particular goals:

What we want to solve

We want to be able to keep tracks of relations in the long term with the clients. We want to follow what happens with each deal individually. We want to be able to share an address book through the app. The app should help us mere mortals to remember important events in our relationships with our clients and send us notifications if required.

What we don't want to solve

We don't want to add find-grained, business-specific, details.

Who is the target audience for this project


To start your Carbon:

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Run the tests

mix test

Run all db migration in the prod env

rel/my_app/bin/my_app command Elixir.Release.Tasks migrate

Build a Release

MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod

start the released server

_build/prod/rel/carbon/bin/carbon start