

0x00 简介

尽可能花更少的时间,使用All in one工具收集更多的信息-URL采集。 集360、百度、谷歌、Shodan、Zoomeye、Censys、Fofa于一体一键运行获取目标URL、IP等信息。

0x01 使用

git git@github.com:coco413/DiscoverTarget.git
cd DiscoverTarget
pip install shodan fofa gevent bs4 lxml
self.shodan_token = "xxxx"

self.censys_api_id = "xxxx"
self.censys_secret = "xxxxx"

self.fofa_email = "xxxx@xxx.com"
self.fofa_token = "xxxxx"

self.zoomeye_user = "xxx@xxx.com"
self.zoomeye_pass = "xxxxx"
运行环境:python 2.7 Mac
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -S SHODAN, --shodan=SHODAN
                        space search use shodan
  -F FOFA, --fofa=FOFA  space search in fofa
  -Z ZOOMEYE, --zoomeye=ZOOMEYE
                        space search use zoomeye
  -C CENSYS, --censys=CENSYS
                        space search use censys
  -B B3G, --b3g=B3G     traditional search use baidu 360 google

Example: python DiscoverTarget.py -S Apache-Tomcat -F app="Apache-Tomcat" -Z
app:"Apache-Tomcat" -C Apache-Tomcat -B Powered by Discuz

python DiscoverTarget.py -B inurl:.action  URL采集
python DiscoverTarget.py -Z app:"Apache-Tomcat" 使用zoomeye IP采集
python DiscoverTarget.py -S Apache-Tomcat -F app="Apache-Tomcat" -Z
app:"Apache-Tomcat" -C Apache-Tomcat -B Powered by Discuz 一键扫描

0x02 其他