

CollabKG: A Learnable Human-Machine-Cooperative Information Extraction Toolkit for (Event) Knowledge Graph Construction

Getting started

CollabKG can be built using Docker. Before doing so please add a secure token to the TOKEN_SECRET field in /server/.env for user password hashing and salting. After this, in the repository root directory, execute:

$ make run

or alternatively:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Issues, Bugs and Feedback

If you come across any issues, bugs or have any general feedback please feel free to reach out (email: 22120436@bjtu.edu.cn). Alternatively, feel free to raise an issue, or better yet, make a pull request 🙂.

Known Issues/Bugs

Future features


Thanks to the QuickGraph team for their support.


Please cite our [paper] if you find it useful in your research: