

Deprecated (Temporarily)

The parent Covenant project no longer requires a client-side application. Elite has temporarily been deprecated. Please instead use the web interface included with the Covenant project.

Elite may eventually be brought up-to-date with the Covenant project as an alternative interface, but for now this project is not updated and will not work with Covenant v0.3 or higher.


Elite is a .NET core, client application built for interacting with Covenant.


Covenant is a .NET command and control framework that aims to highlight the attack surface of .NET, make the use of offensive .NET tradecraft easier, and serve as a collaborative command and control platform for red teamers.

Covenant is an ASP.NET Core, cross-platform application that includes a robust API to enable a client-server architecture that allows for multi-user collaboration. There are three main components of Covenant's architecture:


Covenant has several key features:

Users Quick-Start Guide

First, you need to start Covenant! Go checkout the Covenant README to see how to do that.

Dotnet Core

The easiest way to use Elite, is by installing dotnet core. You can download dotnet core for your platform from here.

Once you have installed dotnet core, we can build and run Elite using the dotnet CLI:

$ ~/Elite/Elite > dotnet build
$ ~/Elite/Elite > dotnet run


Elite can also be run with Docker. There are a couple of gotchas with Docker, so I only recommend using docker if you are familiar with docker or are willing to learn the subtle gotchas.

First, build the docker image:

$ ~/Elite/Elite > docker build -t elite .

Now we can run Elite in a Docker container:

$ ~/Elite/Elite > docker run -it --rm --name elite -v /absolute/path/to/Elite/Data:/app/Data elite --username AdminUser --computername <Covenant IP>

The --username AdminUser and --computername <Covenant IP> are arguments being passed to Elite. This instructs Elite to connect to a Covenant instance hosted at the specifiec IP address and login as a user named AdminUser.

The -it parameter is a Docker parameter that indicates that we should begin Elite in an interactive tty. This is important, as Elite is an interactive console application! The -v /absolute/path/to/Elite/Data:/app/Data parameter mounts a shared Data folder between your host and container, and allows you to easily copy/paste outside tools and payloads generated during operation with Elite. Be sure to replace /absolute/path/to/Elite/Data with the location of your own Elite Data folder.

You will also be prompted to provide a password for the AdminUser user. Alternatively, you can set this non-interactively with the --password parameter to Elite, but this will leave your password in plaintext in command history, not ideal.

Questions and Discussion

Have questions or want to chat more about Covenant/Elite? Join the #Covenant channel in the BloodHound Gang Slack.