


Important Note: This project was archived by the original autors and maintainers of Sourcetrail by the end of 2021. If you want to know more about this decision, read more on our blog.

Sourcetrail is a free and open-source cross-platform source explorer that helps you get productive on unfamiliar source code.

Windows: Build status

Linux: Build Status


"Sourcetrail User Interface"

Sourcetrail is:

Sourcetrail on Patreon

The open-source development and regular software releases are made possible entirely by the support of these awesome patrons!

Using Sourcetrail

To setup Sourcetrail on your machine, you can either download the respective build for your operating system from our list of Releases and install it on your machine, or use one of the following package managers:

After your installation is complete, follow our Quick Start Guide to get to know Sourcetrail.

How to Report Issues

You can post all your feature requests and bug reports on our issue tracker.


Use the following template:


If you want to support a certain feature request or you have the same bug that another user already reported, please let us know:

How to Contribute

How to Build

Building Sourcetrail requires several dependencies to be in place on your machine. However, our CMake based setup allows to disable indexing support for specific languages which reduces the number of dependencies to a minimum.

Building the Base Application

Required Tools

Required dependencies


On Windows

On Unix


Enable C/C++ Language Support

Required dependencies


Enable Java Language Support

Required dependencies


Enable Python Language Support

Required Tools


Creating the deployment Package


Required Tools



After building, run the bundle_install.sh script within the build directory which will create a Sourcetrail.app bundle and generate a Sourcetrail_<version>.dmg container.


Run ./setup/Linux/createPackages.sh from the main directory, which creates both a .tar.gz and a .AppImage package in the main directory. Packaging depends on linuxdeployqt.

How to Run the Tests

The automated test suite of Sourcetrail is powered by Catch2. To run the tests, simply execute the Sourcetrail_test binary. Before executing, please make sure to set the working directory to ./bin/test.


Sourcetrail is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3.


The "Sourcetrail" name is a trademark owned by Coati Software and is not included within the assets licensed under the GNU GPLv3.