

ESP8266 USB Software Driver

I wanted to have USB on the ESP8266, and a while ago I saw on the ESP32 flier, it read: "Rich Peripherals" ... "Sorry, no USB!" I thought to myself, that is ridiculous. Of course there's USB.

So, it was born. This is a software USB stack running on the ESP8266/ESP8285. It requires only one external resistor, between D- and 3.3V.



Pre-built binaries

See bottom of this thread: https://github.com/cnlohr/espusb/issues/40#issuecomment-377770936


This project contains an example that simulates a usb keyboard and mouse. It also provides a web interface to actually remote control these virtual devices.

How to use

For a complete guide that includes information on how to install the toolchain or set up a docker container, go here: Getting started guide If you already have an environment with the toolchain, then here is what you wanna do:


For more advanced building/flashing methods just run make without any parameters.



Wemos D1 Mini

The Wemos D1 mini is a breadboard friendly ESP board.

You would need to flash the espusb firmware through the USB-serial connection beforehand, and then wire the GND, 5V, 3.3V, D1, D2 pins to the USB following the wiring instructions. Here is a picture of a setup with one breadboard:

EspUSB on the Wemos D1 Mini

Advanced information



NOTE: GPIO12/14 do not need to be connected to ground. GPIO15 may be connected via a pull-down resistor. For stability, a pull-up on GPIO2 is recommended.

Also, checkout the hardware/ folder. It has kicad designs for my tiny board. Though they are for the ESP8285, the same pin configuration may be used to run on the ESP8266.

Memory Usage

This is typical memory usage for a two-endpoint (in addition to EP0) device.

In summary:

Total SRAM: 232 bytes + Descriptors (~317 bytes)

Total Flash/IRAM (Only iram, tables and usb_init can be stuck in slow flash): 1422 bytes

More details:


0000007c D usb_ramtable
0000006c B usb_internal_state


You must write: usb_handle_custom_control - the demos here hook it up to the command engine which allows self flashing on 1MB+ parts.

C functions:

0000002a T usb_pid_handle_ack
0000014f T usb_pid_handle_data
00000022 T usb_pid_handle_out
000000e9 T usb_pid_handle_in
00000002 T usb_pid_handle_sof
00000039 T usb_pid_handle_setup

From/To (in ASM):

40100f20 t usb_asm_start
401011ef t usb_asm_end
Total length of ASM: 2cf