

Swagger Bake

A delightfully tasty plugin for generating OpenAPI, Swagger and Redoc

Latest Version on Packagist Build Coverage Status MixerApi CakePHP Minimum PHP Version OpenAPI

Automatically generate OpenApi, Swagger, and Redoc documentation from your existing CakePHP code

The current release is for CakePHP 5 and PHP 8.1, see previous releases for older versions of CakePHP and PHP.

VersionBranchCake VersionPHP Version

Check out the demo applications for examples.

Swagger Bake v3 demohttps://github.com/cnizzardini/cakephp-swagger-bake-demo
MixerAPI + Swagger Bake demo (v3)https://github.com/mixerapi/demo
v2 demohttps://github.com/cnizzardini/cakephp-swagger-bake-demo/tree/2.next
v1 demohttps://github.com/cnizzardini/cakephp-swagger-bake-demo/tree/1.next

Table of Contents


You can install via the composer dependency manager:

composer require cnizzardini/cakephp-swagger-bake

Next load the plugin via bin/cake plugin load SwaggerBake or if you prefer manually:

# src/Application.php
public function bootstrap(): void
    // other logic...

For standard applications that have not split their API into plugins, the automated setup is the easiest. Otherwise, skip to the manual setup.

Automated Setup

Use the swagger install command and then add a route.

bin/cake swagger install

Manual Setup

For more read sections on Multiple Instances of SwaggerBake and Extending Views and Controllers

Add Route

Create a route for the SwaggerUI page in config/routes.php, example:

    '/api', # this will be the "homepage" for your Swagger or Redoc UI
    ['plugin' => 'SwaggerBake', 'controller' => 'Swagger', 'action' => 'index']

You can now browse to either /api for swagger or /api?doctype=redoc for redoc. Your OpenAPI JSON will exist at /api/swagger.json.

Getting Started

bin/cake swagger bake
$swagger = (new \SwaggerBake\Lib\SwaggerFactory())->create()->build();
$swagger->getArray(); # returns swagger array
$swagger->toString(); # returns swagger json
$swagger->writeFile('/full/path/to/your/swagger.json'); # writes swagger.json


Your RESTful routes are used to build OpenAPI paths and operations.


SwaggerBake will parse the DocBlocks on your controller actions for additional OpenAPI data.

 * OpenAPI Operation Summary
 * This displays as the operations long description
 * @link https://book.cakephp.org/5/en/index.html External documentation
 * @deprecated Indicates the operation is deprecated
 * @throws \Cake\Http\Exception\BadRequestException Appears as 400 response with this description
 * @throws \Exception Appears as 500 response with this description
public function index() {}

If you prefer, you may use the OpenApiOperation, OpenApiResponse attributes instead. These attributes take precedence over doc block parsing. Read below for a full list of attributes.


OpenAPI schema is built from your Table and Entity classes and any validators you've defined in them. You may adjust the default schema using the OpenApiSchema and OpenApiSchemaProperty attributes.


For additional functionality the following PHP8 Attributes may be used. These can be imported individually from the SwaggerBake\Lib\Attribute namespace. Read the Attributes docs for detailed examples. If you are using version 1 you will need to use annotations.

OpenApiDtoController ActionBuilds OpenAPI query params and request bodies from Data Transfer Objects
OpenApiFormController ActionBuilds OpenAPI for application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies
OpenApiHeaderController ActionCreate OpenAPI header parameters
OpenApiOperationController ActionModifies OpenAPI operation
OpenApiPaginatorController ActionCreate OpenAPI query params from CakePHP Paginator Component
OpenApiPathControllerModifies OpenAPI paths
OpenApiPathParamController ActionModify an existing OpenAPI path parameter
OpenApiQueryParamController ActionBuilds OpenAPI query param
OpenApiRequestBodyController ActionModify OpenAPI request body
OpenApiResponseController ActionModify OpenAPI response
OpenApiSchemaEntityModifies OpenAPI schema
OpenApiSchemaPropertyEntity or ClassModifies an OpenAPI schema property or defines OpenApiResponse schema
OpenApiSearchController ActionCreate OpenAPI query params from CakePHP Search plugin
OpenApiSecurityController ActionCreate/modify OpenAPI security

Event System

SwaggerBake comes with an event system to allow for further control over your OpenAPI schema.

SwaggerBake.Operation.createdDispatched each time an OpenAPI Path > Operation is created
SwaggerBake.Path.createdDispatched each time an OpenAPI Path is created
SwaggerBake.Schema.createdDispatched each time an OpenAPI Schema is created
SwaggerBake.initializeDispatched during initialization phase on SwaggerBake
SwaggerBake.beforeRenderDispatched before SwaggerBake outputs OpenAPI JSON

Customizing Exception Response Samples

By default, SwaggerBake uses '#/components/schemas/Exception' as your OpenAPI documentations Exception schema. See the default swagger.yml and exceptionSchema in swagger_bake.php for more info. You can further customize with attributes and @throws.


Using the ref or schema properties of OpenApiResponse.

Using the @throws tag and OpenApiExceptionSchemaInterface

Implement SwaggerBake\Lib\OpenApiExceptionSchemaInterface on your exception class, then document the exception with a @throws tag in your controller action's doc block.

 * @throws \App\Exception\MyException
public function add(){}

Example exception class:

class MyException implements OpenApiExceptionSchemaInterface 
    public static function getExceptionCode(): string
        return '400';

    public static function getExceptionDescription(): ?string
        return 'An optional description'; // returning null omits the response description

    public static function getExceptionSchema(): Schema|string
        return (new \SwaggerBake\Lib\OpenApi\Schema())  
                (new SchemaProperty())->setType('string')->setName('code')->setExample('400'),
                (new SchemaProperty())->setType('string')->setName('message')->setExample('error'),
                (new SchemaProperty())->setType('string')->setName('wherever')->setExample('whatever you want')

Extending Views and Controllers

It's possible to write extensions for SwaggerBake. Read the extension documentation. There are several other options to extend functionality documented below:

Using Your Own SwaggerUI

You may use your own swagger or redoc install in lieu of the version that comes with SwaggerBake. Simply don't add a custom route as indicated in the installation steps. In this case just reference the generated swagger.json within your userland Swagger UI install.

Using Your Own Controller

You might want to perform some additional logic (checking for authentication) before rendering the built-in Swagger UI. This is easy to do. Just create your own route and controller, then reference the built-in layout and template:

// config/routes.php
    ['controller' => 'MySwagger', 'action' => 'index']

To get started, copy SwaggerController into your project.

Using Your Own Layout and Templates

You will need to use your own controller (see above). From there you can copy the layouts and templates into your project and inform your controller action to use them instead. Checkout out the CakePHP documentation on Views for specifics. This can be useful if you'd like to add additional functionality to SwaggerUI (or Redoc) using their APIs or if your project is not installed in your web servers document root (i.e. a sub-folder).

Multiple Instances of Swagger Bake

If your application has multiple APIs that are split into plugins you can generate unique OpenAPI schema, Swagger UI, and Redoc for each plugin. Setup a new swagger_bake.php and swagger.yaml in plugins/OtherApi/config. These configurations should point to your plugins paths and namespaces. Next, create a custom SwaggerController and load the configuration within initialize():

    public function initialize(): void
        Configure::load('OtherApi.swagger_bake', 'default', false); // note: `false` for the third argument is important         

When running bin/cake swagger bake you will need to specify your plugins swagger_bake config:

bin/cake swagger bake --config OtherApi.swagger_bake

Debug Commands

In addition to swagger bake these console helpers provide insight into how your Swagger documentation is generated.

swagger routes

Displays a list of routes that can be viewed in Swagger.

bin/cake swagger routes

swagger models

Displays a list of models that can be viewed in Swagger.

bin/cake swagger models

Bake Theme

SwaggerBake comes with Bake templates for scaffolding RESTful controllers compatible with SwaggerBake and OpenAPI 3.0 schema. Using the bake theme is completely optional, but will save you some time since the default bake theme is not specifically designed for RESTful APIs.

bin/cake bake controller {Name} --theme SwaggerBake

Common Issues

Swagger UI

No API definition provided.

Verify that swagger.json exists.


Unable to create swagger file. Try creating an empty file first or checking permissions

Create the swagger.json manually matching the path in your config/swagger_bake.php file.

Output file is not writable

Change permissions on your swagger.json file, 764 should do.

Controller not found

Make sure a controller actually exists for the route resource.

Missing routes

Make sure yours route are properly defined in config/routes.php per the CakePHP RESTful routing documentation.

Missing request or response samples

Sample schema is determined using CakePHP naming conventions. Does your controller name match your model names? For customizing response schema see OpenApiResponse.

Missing request schema

Sample schema is determined using CakePHP naming conventions. Does your controller name match your model names? For customizing request schema see OpenApiRequestBody.

Missing CSRF token body

Either disable CSRF protection on your main route in config/routes.php or enable CSRF protection in Swagger UI. The library does not currently support adding this in for you.

HTTP DELETE issues with Swagger UI

Swagger UI sends HTTP DELETE without an accept header. If the record does not exist, an exception is generated. This results in an HTML response being generated which can be quite large and cause the UI to be slow to render. To get around this you can force an accept value on the header using the CakePHP middleware:

# src/Application.php

public function middleware(MiddlewareQueue $middlewareQueue): MiddlewareQueue
	    ->add(function(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler){
	        $accept = $request->getHeader('accept');
	        if ($request->getMethod() === 'DELETE' && reset($accept) === '*/*') {
	            $request = $request->withHeader('accept', 'application/json');

	        return $handler->handle($request);

	// other middleware...
	return $middlewareQueue;

Read more about CakePHP middleware in the official documentation.


Send pull requests to help improve this library. You can include SwaggerBake in your primary Cake project as a local source to make developing easier:

"minimum-stability": "dev",
"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "/absolute/local-path-to/cakephp-swagger-bake",
        "options": {
          "symlink": true

Undo these steps when you're done. Read the full composer documentation on loading from path here: https://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#path

Check out the extensions documentation to add functionality to this project.

Tests + Analysis

PHPUnit Test Suite:

composer test


composer analyze

GrumPHP can be used to run tests and static analyzers in a pre-commit hook.

composer grumphp-init

I've set grumphp to be installed globally: https://github.com/phpro/grumphp/blob/master/doc/installation/global.md