


Skychart is a simple golang server and client library for the cosmos chain-registry. It provides a convenient API, automatically updating itself to any changes in the github repo once a day. In the types package you will find go generated types from the JSON schemas.


Install the binary

go install github.com/cmwaters/skychart@latest

and run the server (this is for port :8080)

skychart cosmos/chain-registry :8080

API Reference

QueryDescriptionResponse Type
/v1/chainsReturns an array of registered chains by name[]string
/v1/chain/{chain}Returns a registered chain if it existsChain
/v1/chain/{chain}/endpoints/rpcReturns a list of active public RPC endpoints[]GrpcElement
/v1/chain/{chain}/endpoints/restReturns a list of active public REST endpoints[]GrpcElement
/v1/chain/{chain}/endpoints/grpcReturns a list of active public gRPC endpoints[]GrpcElement
/v1/chain/{chain}/endpoints/peersReturns a list of chain peers[]PersistentPeerElement
/v1/chain/{chain}/endpoints/seedsReturns a list of chain seeds[]PersistentPeerElement
/v1/chain/{chain}/assetsReturns all the native assets of the chainAssetList
/v1/assetsReturns an array of registered assets by display name[]string
/v1/asset/{asset}Returns an asset by display name if it existsAssetElement

Note that the {chain} search query can be both the chain name and chain id.