


Labeling tool for machine vision based segmentation, based on work by Kris Kitani



This project is ported to work in Apple's Xcode; it tested with Xcode 7.3.1.

This project also uses the OpenCV library; it is tested with Versions or 2.4.12 and 2.4.13.

Installing OpenCV on OS X

Two ways to install OpenCV on OS X; we recommend the first:

  1. Use Homebrew, from the terminal:
brew update
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install opencv
* Note: Make sure OpenCV's dependencies are also installed, you can check using `brew info opencv`

2. Download OpenCV and building it using cMake * This tutorial provides greater detail for setting up OpenCV with cMake and Xcode.

Project Installation

To install the Grabcut project, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone with https://github.com/cmuartfab/grabcut.git`
  1. Double click grabcut.xcodeproj to open it in Xcode

  2. Navigate to the /usr/local/lib directory and select all of the libopencv.dylib files and drag and drop them into the lib folder in the Xcode project. You should see all the libopencv.dylib files in the Grabcut project lib folder.

  3. In the Xcode project's build settings Under targets on the left column, select grabcut.

  4. Make sure the paths under Library Search Paths inclure the directory where OpenCV is installed on your machine. If you used Homebrew to install OpenCV, it should be in usr/local/Cellar

Running the Xcode project

  1. Double click grabcut.xcodeproj to open it in Xcode
  2. grabcut/main.cpp, update this line with the right path to the datasets folder
string root = "/xxx/dataset/";	//Update this line to point to your dataset folder
  1. To label and generate masks for new images, add new images to 'dataset/img/ASAP/' and name them using names with the format 00000xxx.jpg, starting at 101, like this:
  1. Label the foreground and background with the following keys:

alt tag