

Downscaled Davis Dataset


Code to generate a downscaled version of the 2017 Davis dataset. The code consists of two shell scripts and some C simple image manipulation functions (stolen from imscript by Enric Meinhardt-Llopis). It has been tested in Ubuntu 16.04.


To compile the image tools we need


The code is compilable on Unix/Linux (probably on Mac OS as well, but we didn't test). We provide a simple Makefile to compile the C code.

$ cd imscript-lite && make && cd ..


First download and unpack the DAVIS dataset. There are three datasets: traival, test-dev and test-challenge. For example for test-dev

$ ./download-and-unpack.sh test-dev

Then downscale the unpacked sequences:

$ ./downsample.sh test-dev | sh

or, if you have parallel installed on you system:

$ ./downsample.sh test-dev | parallel