

Derf-HD Video Dataset


Code to generate the dataset of 7 videos used in

P. Arias, G. Facciolo, J.-M. Morel, A comparison of patch-based models in video denoising. IVMSP, 2018.

The videos are downscaled versions of videos publicly available in Derf's Test Media collection.

The code consists of two shell scripts and some C simple image manipulation functions (stolen from imscript by Enric Meinhardt-Llopis). It has been tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.


To compile the image tools we need

In addition, we also use ffmpeg to extract the frames from the downloaded videos.


The code is compilable on Unix/Linux (probably on Mac OS as well, but we didn't test). We provide a simple Makefile to compile the C code.

$ cd imscript-lite && make && cd ..


$ ./generate-dataset.sh