

Leon Sans

Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim. It allows to change font weight dynamically and to create custom animations, effects or shapes in the Canvas element of HTML5. He designed the font to celebrate his newborn baby Leon.

There are live examples at https://leon-kim.com/examples/

And website at https://leon-kim.com/

Video Label




latin upper

latin lower

What is special?

The font is made with code, it has coordinate values of the drawing points for each glyph. With the coordinate values, you can create custom shapes, effects or animations.

Drawing animation

Weight change





Color pattern


Download the minified js file in dist folder and include it in your html.

<script src="js/leon.js"></script>

Generate LeonSans and draw it in the Canvas element of HTML5.

let leon, canvas, ctx;

const sw = 800;
const sh = 600;
const pixelRatio = 2;

function init() {
    canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

    canvas.width = sw * pixelRatio;
    canvas.height = sh * pixelRatio;
    canvas.style.width = sw + 'px';
    canvas.style.height = sh + 'px';
    ctx.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);

    leon = new LeonSans({
        text: 'The quick brown\nfox jumps over\nthe lazy dog',
        color: ['#000000'],
        size: 80,
        weight: 200


function animate(t) {

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, sw, sh);

    const x = (sw - leon.rect.w) / 2;
    const y = (sh - leon.rect.h) / 2;
    leon.position(x, y);


window.onload = () => {

For the drawing animation, include TweenMax (JS animation library) in your html.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/2.1.3/TweenMax.min.js"></script>

And update all the drawing values from 0 to 1

let i, total = leon.drawing.length;
for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
    TweenMax.fromTo(leon.drawing[i], 1.6, {
        value: 0
    }, {
        delay: i * 0.05,
        value: 1,
        ease: Power4.easeOut

Option list

textstringThe text that needs to be shown.
sizeintegerThe size of the text.
weightnumberThe weight of the font: 1 - 900. [Default: 1]
colorarrayThe colors of each characters. [Default: ['#000000']]
colorfularrayThe colors for colorful effect. [Default: ['#c5d73f', '#9d529c', '#49a9db', '#fec330', '#5eb96e', '#fc5356', '#f38f31']]
trackingintegerThe spacing between the characters of a block of text. [Default: 0]
leadingintegerThe distance between each line of text. [Default: 0]
alignstringHow the text content of the element is horizontally aligned: left, center, right. [Default: left]
pathGapnumberThe gap between each coordinate of the points on a line of each character: 0 - 1. [Default: 0.5]
amplitudenumberThe amplitude of the wave effect: 0 - 1. [Default: 0.5]
maxWidthnumberThe width of the text sentence.
breakWordbooleanWords break when reaching the end of a line. [Default: false]
fpsnumberThe FPS for the wave effect. [Default: 30]
isPathbooleantrue to get the coordinate values of the points on a line of each character. [Default: false]
isWavebooleantrue for the wave effect. [Default: false]


lineWidthnumberThe thickness of lines of the character.
scalenumberThe scale of the character. scale is 1 when the font size is 500.
drawingarrayThe drawing object values for each character. 0 is the beginning of the animation, 1 is the end of the animation state.
dataarrayAn object of the raw data for the text.
pathsarrayThe coordinate values of the points on a line of each character.
drawingPathsarrayThe coordinate values of the points on a line of each character to draw the drawing animation in WebGL. It has 1px distance of each path.
wavePathsarrayThe coordinate values of the points on a line for the wave effect.
rectObjectThe size of the text and its position: {x: x position, y: y position, w: width, h: height}.


on()Add update event.
off()Remove update event.
position(x, y)Set the position of the text.
updateDrawingPaths()Update paths for drawing in WebGL (PIXI.js). It's very expensive, only call when it needs.
drawPixi(graphics)Draw text in WebGL with PIXI.js.
draw(ctx)Draw text in the Canvas element.
drawColorful(ctx)Draw the colorful effect.
wave(ctx, t)Draw the wave effect.
pattern(ctx, w, h)Draw rectangle shapes at each path point
grid(ctx)Draw grid for each type.
point(ctx)Draw circles at each drawing point and lines for each type.
box(ctx)Draw outline box for the text.
reset()Reset all the values.