

Looking for my original Clover guide? It's still available right here.

Hackintosh Catalina Guide for Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Master (OpenCore)

This build is "Vanilla". I used this guide as a starting point.


See my Hardware List

About My Mac

What's Working/What's Not

Not Working (as expected)
Not Yet Tested

Step By Step Instructions

My old Clover guide used to have Step by Step instructions but I decided not to write such instructions here for two reasons: it's a pain to keep up to date, and I literally just followed the OpenCore Desktop Guide. When in doubt, just look at my KEXTs, drivers and config.list for guidance.

USB Port Map & SSDT

See USB_MAP.md for a map of all the ports on the Aorus z390 Master.


You are welcome to use my EFI folder. However, make sure you set the following: