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This is an automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs. FORD stands for FORtran Documenter. As you may know, "to ford" refers to crossing a river (or other body of water). It does not, in this context, refer to any company or individual associated with cars.

Ford was written due to Doxygen's poor handling of Fortran and the lack of comparable alternatives. ROBODoc can't actually extract any information from the source code and just about any other automatic documentation software I found was either proprietary, didn't work very well for Fortran, or was limited in terms of how it produced its output. f90doc is quite good and I managed to modify it so that it could handle most of Fortran 2003, but it produces rather ugly documentation, can't provide as many links between different parts of the documentation as I'd like, and is written in Perl (which I'm not that familiar with and which lacks the sort of libraries found in Python for producing HTML content).

The goal of FORD is to be able to reliably produce documentation for modern Fortran software which is informative and nice to look at. The documentation should be easy to write and non-obtrusive within the code. While it will never be as feature-rich as Doxygen, hopefully FORD will be able to provide a good alternative for documenting Fortran projects.


Current features include:


The simplest way to install FORD is using pip. This can be done with the commands:

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential #For Debian-based Linux, if pip not already installed
sudo pip install ford

Pip will automatically handle all dependencies for you. If you do not have administrative rights on the computer where you want to produce documentation, pip will allow you to install FORD and its dependencies in a virtualenv located somewhere in your home directory.

If you prefer, you can install all of those dependencies manually and clone FORD from Github. Then place FORD somewhere in your PYTHONPATH.

Alternatively, FORD is available through the Homebrew package manager for Mac OS X. To update Homebrew and install FORD, run these commands in a terminal:

brew update
brew install FORD

If you would like to install the latest development (master) branch from github, simply add the --HEAD flag: brew install --HEAD FORD


More complete documentation can be found in the project wiki.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warrenty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see the GNU website.

Documents produced by FORD are derivative works derived from the input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.

<!-- ## Approach The basic algorithm for generating the documentation is as follows: - Get instructions from user. These are to be passes as command-line arguments and meta-data within the project file. - Parse each file which is to be documented. - Create a file object. This will contain any documentation meant for the file as a whole and a list of any file contents. - Create module, subroutine, function, and/or program objects for each of these structures within the file. Each of these objects will also store comments, contents, and parameters. - Continue to recurse into these structures, adding interface, type, variable, subroutine and function objects as necessary. - Perform further analysis on the parsed code, correlating anything defined in one place but used in another. This will be used to generate hyperlinks when producing the documentation. - Convert comments into HTML. Assume that they have been written in Markdown. Also make sure to process LaTeX (not yet implemented). - Produce the documentation. This will be done using Jinja2 templates. -->