

clue/solusvm-api-react Build Status

Simple async access to your VPS box through the SolusVM API, built on top of React PHP

Solus Virtual Manager (SolusVM) is a popular commercial control panel (CP) for virtual private servers (VPS). Its web interface can be used to control your VPS, see its details or boot, reboot or shutdown.

Using SolusVM is pretty common for smaller VPS hosting companies, in particular for those listed on Low End Box. As a user (customer) you get full root access to a VPS (usually via SSH) and use the SolusVM web interface to manage your VPS.

This project uses the SolusVM Client API so that you can manage your VPS programatically without having to log in to the web interface to check your bandwidth usage or reboot your VPS.

Note: This project is in beta stage! Feel free to report any issues you encounter.

Quickstart example

Once installed, you can use the following code to fetch the info for your VPS from your SolusVM provider:

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);
$client = $factory->createClient(array(
    'user' => '147492ddec07231c2de7e5865880fd0191955916',
    'pass' => 'Y4WNA-TZS6J-15YMB',
    'host' => 'manage.myhost.local'

$client->info()->then(function ($result) {


See also the examples.



The Factory class is responsible for constructing the Client instance. It also registers everything with the main EventLoop.

$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$factory = new Factory($loop);

If you need custom DNS or proxy settings, you can explicitly pass a custom Browser instance:

$browser = new Clue\React\Buzz\Browser($loop);
$factory = new Factory($loop, $browser);


The createClient($address) method can be used to create a new Client instance. You have to pass an address as either of the following:

Only user and pass have to be set explicitly, the Factory assumes defaults from the URL https://localhost:5656/api/client/command.php for the other parts.


The Client class is responsible for communication with the remote SolusVM API.


All public methods resemble their respective SolusVM Client API actions.


$client->info($ipaddr = true, $hdd = true, $mem = true, $bw = true);

Listing all available actions is out of scope here, please refer to the class outline.


Issuing actions is async (non-blocking), so you can actually send multiple action requests in parallel. The SolusVM API service will respond to each request with a response value. The order is not guaranteed. Sending requests uses a Promise-based interface that makes it easy to react to when a request is fulfilled (i.e. either successfully resolved or rejected with an error):

    function ($result) {
        // response received for status action
    function (Exception $e) {
        // an error occured while executing the status action


The recommended way to install this library is through composer. New to composer?

    "require": {
        "clue/solusvm-api-react": "~0.1.0"
