

CloudSim Plus Testbeds Build Status

CloudSim Plus module containing a set of classes that enable you to implement simulations in a repeated manner. It provides base abstract classes that can be extended to implement a simulation scenario that is executed multiple times and uses Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) to set simulation parameters according to a behavior you want to investigate in your research.

It provides the basic mechanisms to start and manage multiple execution of the simulation scenario, controlling the generation of pseudo random numbers and allowing collection of scientifically valid results to be assessed.

For instance, it allows the application of the antithetic variates technique and Batch Means Method to reduce variance of obtained results. These classes take care of all the details to apply such methods and you just have to set the required parameters. It also computes confidence intervals for the final results and present them in a organized way.

Different from the examples module that aims just to show how to use CloudSim Plus features, this module includes more complex simulation scenarios concerned in providing scientifically valid results.

Build the Project

In order to build the jar file to run the tool, you need JDK 17+ installed. You can use any IDE of your choice or open a terminal at the project root directory and type one of the following commands:

on Linux/macOS

./mvnw clean install

on Windows

mvnw.cmd clean install