

Redpanda Console – A UI for Data Streaming

GitHub release (latest SemVer) Docker Repository

Redpanda Console (previously known as Kowl) is a web application that helps you manage and debug your Kafka/Redpanda workloads effortlessly.



Getting Started



We offer pre built docker images for RP Console, binary builds and a Helm chart to make the installation as comfortable as possible for you. Please take a look at our dedicated Installation documentation.

Quick Start

Do you just want to test RP Console against one of your Kafka clusters without spending too much time on the test setup? Here are some docker commands that allow you to run it locally against an existing Redpanda or Kafka cluster:

Redpanda/Kafka is running locally

Since Console runs in its own container (which has its own network scope), we have to use host.docker.internal as a bootstrap server. That DNS resolves to the host system's ip address. However since the brokers send a list of all brokers' DNS when a client has connected, you have to make sure your advertised listener is connected accordingly, e.g.: PLAINTEXT://host.docker.internal:9092

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KAFKA_BROKERS=host.docker.internal:9092 docker.redpanda.com/redpandadata/console:latest

Docker supports the --network=host option only on Linux. So Linux users use localhost:9092 as an advertised listener and use the host network namespace instead. Console will then be run as it would be executed on the host machine.

docker run --network=host -p 8080:8080 -e KAFKA_BROKERS=localhost:9092 docker.redpanda.com/redpandadata/console:latest

Kafka is running remotely

Protected via SASL_SSL and trusted certificates (e.g. Confluent Cloud):

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KAFKA_BROKERS=pkc-4r000.europe-west1.gcp.confluent.cloud:9092 -e KAFKA_TLS_ENABLED=true -e KAFKA_SASL_ENABLED=true -e KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME=xxx -e KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD=xxx docker.redpanda.com/redpandadata/console:latest

I don't have a running Kafka cluster to test against

We maintain a docker-compose file that launches Redpanda and Console: /docs/local.


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