

JAX ❤️ 🪟

alpha state...

A community supported Windows build for jax.

Currently, only CPU and CUDA 11.1 are supported. For CUDA 11.x, please install the cuda/cuda11_cudnn82 package.

Unstable builds

Eachjax build pinnes a concrete jaxlib package version in its setup.py. To install an unstable build, you must first ensure the required jaxlib package exists in the pacakge index. Check it out at https://whls.blob.core.windows.net/unstable/index.html

You can either install jax via pip (CPU only or CUDA), install jax from source or download the desired wheel manually.

Install CPU only version via pip

**Starting from 0.4.13, CPU build was removed. Please use official CPU build from PyPI directly.

pip install "jax[cpu]===0.3.14" -f https://whls.blob.core.windows.net/unstable/index.html --use-deprecated legacy-resolver

Install cuda111 version via pip

pip install jax[cuda111] -f https://whls.blob.core.windows.net/unstable/index.html --use-deprecated legacy-resolver

Install from jax source

pip install -e .[cuda111] -f https://whls.blob.core.windows.net/unstable/index.html --use-deprecated legacy-resolver

The manual solution

Select a version of jaxlib that you want to install. Then install jax manually.

# download jaxlib from https://whls.blob.core.windows.net/unstable/index.html
pip install <jaxlib_whl>
pip install jax

Stable builds

<details><summary>To be added</summary> <p>

Check it out at https://whls.blob.core.windows.net/releases/index.html


Additional notes

For --use-deprecated legacy-resolver, refers to pip #9186 and pip #9203.