

Policy Packs

A package based on a set of rules or benchmarks used to guarantee compliance across the existing infrastructure of your cloud provider.

Getting started


To start using Policy Packs with your infrastructure you have to install Cloud Graph CLI first.


Install and execute policy packs is fast and simple. We follow the following convention for all our packages @cloudgraph/policy-pack-[benchmark]. We can start using policies just passing the name of the benchmark as it shows in the following example.

# Adding a policy pack will include it into the CG configuration file.
cg policy add aws-cis-1.2.0
cg policy add gcp-cis-1.2.0
cg policy add azure-cis-1.3.1

# Perform a scan for the providers to evaluate. It will execute all the configured policies.
cg scan aws gcp azure

Available Policy Packs

CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations 1.2.0
CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations 1.3.0
CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations 1.4.0
CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations 1.5.0
AWS PCI Data Security Standard version 3.2.1
NIST 800-53 Rev. 4 for Amazon Web Services
CIS Google Cloud Platform Foundations 1.2.0
CIS Google Cloud Platform Foundations 1.3.0
GCP PCI Data Security Standard version 3.2.1
NIST 800-53 Rev. 4 for Google Cloud Services
CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations 1.3.1
Azure PCI Data Security Standard version 3.2.1
NIST 800-53 Rev. 4 for Microsoft Azure Services