


This repo has been deprecated in favor of https://github.com/cloudfoundry/libbuildpack/tree/master/packager/buildpack-packager

Buildpack Packager

A RubyGem that provides tooling to package a buildpack for upload to Cloud Foundry.

For officially supported Cloud Foundry buildpacks, it is used in conjunction with compile-extensions.


Packaging a Buildpack

Within your buildpack directory:

  1. Create a Gemfile and the line gem 'buildpack-packager', git: 'https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/buildpack-packager'.

  2. Run bundle install.

  3. Create a manifest.yml

  4. Run the packager for uncached or cached mode:

    buildpack-packager [cached|uncached]

In either mode, the packager will add (almost) everything in your buildpack directory into a zip file. It will exclude anything marked for exclusion in your manifest.

In cached mode, the packager will download and add dependencies as described in the manifest.

Examining a manifest

If you'd like to get a pretty-printed summary of what's in a manifest, run in list mode:

buildpack-packager list

Example output:

| name                       | version                      | cf_stacks  |
| ruby                       | 2.0.0                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| ruby                       | 2.1.5                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| ruby                       | 2.1.6                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| ruby                       | 2.2.1                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| ruby                       | 2.2.2                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| jruby                      | ruby-1.9.3-jruby-1.7.19      | cflinuxfs2 |
| jruby                      | ruby-2.0.0-jruby-1.7.19      | cflinuxfs2 |
| jruby                      | ruby-2.2.2-jruby- | cflinuxfs2 |
| node                       | 0.12.2                       | cflinuxfs2 |
| bundler                    | 1.9.7                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| libyaml                    | 0.1.6                        | cflinuxfs2 |
| openjdk1.8-latest          | -                            | cflinuxfs2 |
| rails3_serve_static_assets | -                            | cflinuxfs2 |
| rails_log_stdout           | -                            | cflinuxfs2 |

Option Flags


By default, buildpack-packager stores the dependencies that it downloads while building a cached buildpack in a local cache at ~/.buildpack-packager. This is in order to avoid redownloading them when repackaging similar buildpacks. Running buildpack-packager cached with the --force-download option will force the packager to download dependencies from the s3 host and ignore the local cache.


If you would like to include a different manifest file in your packaged buildpack, you may call buildpack-packager with the --use-custom-manifest [path/to/manifest.yml] option. buildpack-packager will generate a buildpack with the specified manifest. If you are building a cached buildpack, buildpack-packager will vendor dependencies from the specified manifest as well.


The packager looks for a manifest.yml file in the current working directory, which should be the root of your buildpack.

A sample manifest (all keys (excepting dependency_deprecation_dates) are required):

language: ruby

- match: bundler-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)
  name: bundler
  version: $1
- match: ruby-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)
  name: ruby
  version: $1

  - name: bundler
    version: 1.7.12
    uri: https://pivotal-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com/ruby/binaries/lucid64/bundler-1.7.12.tgz
    sha256: 09b15ac14f7b46ac6d0a85102cef4671d95f6d6581e01dbcdbab0e64df83c4d5
      - lucid64
      - cflinuxfs2
  - name: ruby
    version: 2.1.4
    uri: https://pivotal-buildpacks.s3.amazonaws.com/ruby/binaries/lucid64/ruby-2.1.4.tgz
    sha256: e3e6023764357324260e9efab1f1690b7bcc0c69f82e8589797b262eb5df2831
      - lucid64

- match: 2.1.\\d
  version_line: 2.1
  name: ruby
  date: 2016-03-30

  - .gitignore
  - private.key

language (required)

The language key is used to give your zip file a meaningful name.

url_to_dependency_map (required)

A list of regular expressions that extract and map the values of name and version to a corresponding dependency.

dependencies (required)

The dependencies key specifies the name, version, uri, sha256, and the cf_stacks (the root file system(s) for which it is compiled for) of a resource which the buildpack attempts to download during staging. By specifying them here, the packager can download them and install them into the dependencies/ folder in the zip file.

All keys are required:

Read more on the compile-extensions repo.

dependency_deprecation_dates (optional)

The dependency_deprecation_dates specifies the date at which dependencies will be end of life (and thus removed from the buildpack). By specifying EOL here, buildpack maintainers can set a date which will trigger warnings for users 30 days before the EOL date is reached.

All keys are required:

exclude_files (required)

The exclude key lists files you do not want in your buildpack. This is useful to remove sensitive information or extraneous files before uploading.


Propagating Packager Changes to CF Buildpacks

Latest changes to master will not be automatically reflected in the various Cloud Foundry buildpacks. To propagate buildpack-packager changes:

  1. Update the version in lib/buildpack/packager/version.rb.
  2. Commit this change and push to master.
  3. Tag the new version with a release tag (e.g., git tag v2.2.6).
  4. Push the tag to origin with git push --tags.
  5. Update the cf.Gemfiles in the various buildpacks with the new release tag like so:
gem 'buildpack-packager', git: 'https://github.com/cloudfoundry/buildpack-packager', tag: 'v2.2.6'