

CF OpenStack Validator

Is your OpenStack installation ready to run BOSH and install Cloud Foundry? Run this validator to find out.



$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N "" -f cf-validator.rsa_id


The validator runs on Mac and Linux. Please ensure that the following packages are installed on your system:

Linux Requirements

Mac Requirements

Running the validator

The intended place to run the validator is a VM within your OpenStack. If you are executing the tests from a machine outside your OpenStack, you need to set validator.use_external_ip to true.


$ cp validator.template.yml validator.yml
$ wget --content-disposition https://bosh.io/d/stemcells/bosh-openstack-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ ./validate --stemcell bosh-stemcell-<xxx>-openstack-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent.tgz --config validator.yml

Configure CPI used by validator

Validator downloads CPI release from the URL specified in the validator configuration. You can override this by specifying the --cpi-release command line option with the path to a CPI release tarball.

If you already have a CPI compiled, you can specify the path to the executable in the environment variable OPENSTACK_CPI_BIN. This is used when no CPI release is specified on the command line. It overrides the setting in the validator configuration file.

Command line help

To learn about available options run

$ ./validate --help


You can extend the validator with custom tests. For a detailed description and examples, please have a look at the extension documentation.

This repository already contains some extensions. Each extension has its own documentation which can be found in the corresponding extension folder.


The validator does not run on your OpenStack? See additional OpenStack related configuration options for possible solutions.