


AWS ClickOps Notifier

Get notified when users are taking actions in the AWS Console. More here

🏗️ Module Usage

It is not strictly a requirement, that you use this with AWS ControlTower. The module has only been tested in the Log Archive account that ships with AWS ControlTower. Setup your AWS credentails such that aws sts get-caller-identity | grep Account gives you your ControlTower Log Archive account id.

Organizational Mode vs Standalone Mode

If your account is part of an AWS Organization that does not use centralized CloudTrail logging or that does not want to monitor ClickOps at an organizational level, you can deploy ClickOps in standalone mode in a single account. For standalone mode you need CloudTrail enabled in your account, have it configured to write logs to a CloudWatch Log Group and have sufficient permission to create a subscription filter on the log group.

Excluded scoped actions

The following actions will not be alerted, these are either:

This functionality can be overriden with the excluded_scoped_actions and excluded_scoped_actions_effect variables. The list of excluded actions is available in the terraform docs below.


Report issues/questions/feature requests on in the issues section.

Full contributing guidelines are covered here.

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<a name="input_additional_iam_policy_statements"></a> additional_iam_policy_statementsMap of dynamic policy statements to attach to Lambda Function roleany{}no
<a name="input_allowed_aws_principals_for_sns_subscribe"></a> allowed_aws_principals_for_sns_subscribeList of AWS principals allowed to subscribe to the SNS topic (only applicable to org deployments).list(string)[]no
<a name="input_cloudtrail_bucket_name"></a> cloudtrail_bucket_nameBucket containing the Cloudtrail logs that you want to process. ControlTower bucket name follows this naming convention aws-controltower-logs-{{account_id}}-{{region}}string""no
<a name="input_cloudtrail_bucket_notifications_sns_arn"></a> cloudtrail_bucket_notifications_sns_arnSNS topic ARN for bucket notifications. If not provided, a new SNS topic will be created along with the bucket notifications configuration.stringnullno
<a name="input_cloudtrail_log_group"></a> cloudtrail_log_groupCloudWatch Log group for CloudTrail events.string""no
<a name="input_create_iam_role"></a> create_iam_roleDetermines whether a an IAM role is created or to use an existing IAM rolebooltrueno
<a name="input_event_batch_size"></a> event_batch_sizeBatch events into chunks of event_batch_sizenumber100no
<a name="input_event_maximum_batching_window"></a> event_maximum_batching_windowMaximum batching window in seconds.number300no
<a name="input_event_processing_timeout"></a> event_processing_timeoutMaximum number of seconds the lambda is allowed to run and number of seconds events should be hidden in SQS after being picked up my Lambda.number60no
<a name="input_excluded_accounts"></a> excluded_accountsList of accounts that be excluded for scans on manual actions. These take precidence over included_accountslist(string)[]no
<a name="input_excluded_scoped_actions"></a> excluded_scoped_actionsA list of service scoped actions that will not be alerted on. Format {{service}}.amazonaws.com:{{action}}list(string)[]no
<a name="input_excluded_scoped_actions_effect"></a> excluded_scoped_actions_effectShould the existing exluded actions be replaces or appended to. By default it will append to the list, valid values: APPEND, REPLACEstring"APPEND"no
<a name="input_excluded_users"></a> excluded_usersList of email addresses will not be reported on when practicing ClickOps.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_firehose_delivery_stream_name"></a> firehose_delivery_stream_nameKinesis Firehose delivery stream name to output ClickOps events to.stringnullno
<a name="input_iam_role_arn"></a> iam_role_arnExisting IAM role ARN for the lambda. Required if create_iam_role is set to falsestringnullno
<a name="input_included_accounts"></a> included_accountsList of accounts that be scanned to manual actions. If empty will scan all accounts.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_included_users"></a> included_usersList of emails that be scanned to manual actions. If empty will scan all emails.list(string)[]no
<a name="input_kms_key_id_for_sns_topic"></a> kms_key_id_for_sns_topicKMS key ID for encrypting the sns_topic (only applicable to org deployments).stringnullno
<a name="input_lambda_deployment_s3_bucket"></a> lambda_deployment_s3_bucketS3 bucket for lambda deployment package.stringnullno
<a name="input_lambda_deployment_s3_key"></a> lambda_deployment_s3_keyS3 object key for lambda deployment package. Otherwise, defaults to var.naming_prefix/local.deployment_filename.stringnullno
<a name="input_lambda_deployment_upload_to_s3_enabled"></a> lambda_deployment_upload_to_s3_enabledIf true, the lambda deployment package within this module repo will be copied to S3. If false then the S3 object must be uploaded separately. Ignored if lambda_deployment_s3_bucket is null.booltrueno
<a name="input_lambda_log_level"></a> lambda_log_levelLambda logging level. One of: ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR"].string"WARN"no
<a name="input_lambda_memory_size"></a> lambda_memory_sizeThe amount of memory for Lambda to usenumber"128"no
<a name="input_lambda_runtime"></a> lambda_runtimeThe lambda runtime to use. One of: ["python3.9", "python3.8", "python3.7"]string"python3.8"no
<a name="input_log_retention_in_days"></a> log_retention_in_daysNumber of days to keep CloudWatch logsnumber14no
<a name="input_naming_prefix"></a> naming_prefixResources will be prefixed with thisstring"clickops-notifier"no
<a name="input_standalone"></a> standaloneDeploy ClickOps in a standalone account instead of into an entire AWS Organization. Ideal for teams who want to monitor ClickOps in only their accounts where it is not instrumented at an Organizational level.boolfalseno
<a name="input_subcription_filter_distribution"></a> subcription_filter_distributionThe method used to distribute log data to the destination. By default log data is grouped by log stream, but the grouping can be set to random for a more even distribution. This property is only applicable when the destination is an Amazon Kinesis stream. Valid values are "Random" and "ByLogStream".string"Random"no
<a name="input_tags"></a> tagsTags to add to resources in addition to the default_tags for the providermap(string){}no
<a name="input_webhooks_for_msteams_notifications"></a> webhooks_for_msteams_notificationsMap of custom_name => webhook URLs for MS Teams notifications. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook?tabs=dotnetmap(string){}no
<a name="input_webhooks_for_slack_notifications"></a> webhooks_for_slack_notificationsMap of custom_name => webhook URLs for Slack notifications. https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooksmap(string){}no


<a name="module_clickops_notifier_lambda"></a> clickops_notifier_lambdaterraform-aws-modules/lambda/aws4.9.0


<a name="output_clickops_notifier_lambda"></a> clickops_notifier_lambdaExpose all the outputs from the lambda module
<a name="output_sns_topic"></a> sns_topicExpose the bucket notification SNS details
<a name="output_sqs_queue"></a> sqs_queueExpose the bucket notification SQS details


<a name="provider_aws"></a> aws>= 4.9


<a name="requirement_terraform"></a> terraform>= 0.15.0
<a name="requirement_aws"></a> aws>= 4.9


aws_caller_identity.currentdata source
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.thisdata source
aws_iam_policy_document.bucket_notificationsdata source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_permissionsdata source
aws_iam_policy_document.sns_topic_policy_bucket_notificationsdata source
aws_region.currentdata source

Default excluded scoped actions

locals {
  ignored_scoped_events_built_in = [











    # Must CreateMultipartUpload before uploading any parts.



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