

CK-CLI codecov

ck-cli(clippingkk-cli) is a TUI(Terminal User Interface) to parse My Clippings.txt that clippings in Amazon Kindle to user friendly data struct.

video guide


download latest version from release page and add to $PATH



ck-cli parse -i /path/to/My Clippings.txt -o /path/output.json
cat My Clippings.txt | ck-cli parse -o /path/output.json
cat My Clippings.txt | ck-cli parse > file.json


input(-i)/path/to/My Clippings.txtfile pathif empty it will read from stdin
output(-o)/path/to/output.jsonfile pathif empty it will put to stdout


output format is json. and it will be like this:

  "title": "凤凰项目 一个IT运维的传奇故事",
  "content": "创建约束理论的艾利·高德拉特告诉我们,在瓶颈之外的任何地方作出的改进都是假象。难以置信,但千真万确!在瓶颈之后作出任何改进都是徒劳的,因为只能干等着瓶颈把工作传送过来。而在瓶颈之前作出的任何改进则只会导致瓶颈处堆积更多的库存",
  "pageAt": "78",
  "createdAt": "2019-03-27T19:57:26Z"

You can compose any *nix command to process the result, like this:

cat ./core/clippings_en.txt | ck-cli parse | jq .[].title | sort | uniq
# result text should be like this:
# "Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup"
# "凤凰项目 一个IT运维的传奇故事"
# "论法的精神"

Compose with ClippingKK Http Service

you can pass cli token to local config

ck-cli --token "COPY FROM https://clippingkk.annatarhe.com" login
cat ~/.ck-cli.toml

You can also just parse file and put it to server with token for once:

ck-cli parse --input /path/to/My Clippings.txt --output http

the http in output is magic word and it will send parsed clippings to server.

you can manually define where should it send and the http request headers by edit config in ~/.ck-cli.toml

If you want integration with CI service, you can set config as secret. and to do something you want


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
