

Pull Requests Welcome first-timers-only Friendly example workflow Flake8 Status

<h1 align = "center">Display your stats with this unique StackOverflow Badge</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/14122375/hamiltonpharmd" target="_blank"><img alt="StackOverflow user information" src="https://stackoverflow-badge.onrender.com/api/StackOverflowBadge/14122375" ></a> </p> <h2>Why</h2> <text>This repository is my experiment with setting up an API from scratch and serving data to end users. Along the way I was able to learn how to use GitHub Actions, write simple Python tests, and improve my understanding of FastAPI.</text> <h2>How to use</h2> <text>Update the following to include your StackOverflow UserID and embed in your GitHub profile's README or other markdown document:</text>
[![HamiltonPharmD StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow-badge.onrender.com/api/StackOverflowBadge/14122375)](https://stackoverflow.com/users/14122375/hamiltonpharmd)
<h2>Setting up your local environment to contribute</h2>
  1. Find an issue you're interested in resolving
  2. Fork and clone this repo
  3. Create a virtual environment
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Complete code edits
  6. To start the app run uvicorn main:api
  7. Open this address in your browser to view the badge:
  8. Run tests using from project root dir python -m pytest tests/ and ensure all pass
  9. Update flake8 badge genbadge flake8 --output-file ./reports/report_badges/flake8-badge.svg
  10. Submit changes as a PR