API key
Get your BuiltWith API key here: <br> SignUp is necessary, one request per second is free of charge.
BuiltWith API versions 1 and 2 client.
Import and initialize BuiltWith class
>>> from builtwith import BuiltWith
>>> bw = BuiltWith(YOUR_API_KEY)
Simple example
>>> bw.lookup('')
'Domain': '',
'FullUrl': '',
'ProfileUrl': '',
'Technologies': [...],
'Title': ''
Advanced example
>>> bw = BuiltWith(YOUR_API_KEY, api_version=2)
>>> example_info = bw.lookup('')
>>> example_info.available_urls()
[(u'', u'', u'')]
>>> domain_technologies = example_info.get_technologies_by_url(domain="", subdomain="", path="")
>>> domain_technologies.list_technologies()
[u'Viewport Meta', u'CentOS', u'Cascading Style Sheets', u'Javascript', u'SEO_TITLE', u'SEO_H1',
u'XHTML Transitional', u'HTML5 DocType', u'Apache', u'Prototype', u'HTML 4.01 Transitional DTD', u'UTF-8']
>>> domain_technologies.get_technology_info("Prototype")
{u'Name': u'Prototype', u'FirstDetected': datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 31, 5, 0), u'Tag': u'javascript',
u'Link': u'', u'LastDetected': datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 1, 6, 0),
u'Description': u'Prototype is a javascript framework which aims to ease development of dynamic web applications.'}