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Simply ACID* key-value database. At the medium or even low latency it tries to provide greater throughput without losing the ACID properties of the database. The database provides the ability to create record headers at own discretion and use them as transactions. The maximum size of stored data is limited by the size of the computer's RAM.

*is a set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee validity even in the event of errors, power failures, etc.



Table of Contents


package main

import (


const curDir = "./"

func main() {
	// STEP init
	db, err, wrn := coffer.Db(curDir).Create()
	switch {
	case err != nil:
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)
	case wrn != nil:
		fmt.Println("Warning:", err)
	if !db.Start() {
		fmt.Println("Error: not start")
	defer db.Stop()

	// STEP write
	if rep := db.Write("foo", []byte("bar")); rep.IsCodeError() {
		fmt.Sprintf("Write error: code `%d` msg `%s`", rep.Code, rep.Error)

	// STEP read
	rep := db.Read("foo")
	if rep.IsCodeError() {
		fmt.Sprintf("Read error: code `%v` msg `%v`", rep.Code, rep.Error)


Use the following links to find many examples how use the transactions:


Started DB returns reports after has performed an operation. Reports containing:


Pay attention!

All requests which names contain Unsafe can be usually executed in both cases: when the database is running or stopped (not running). In the second case (when DB is stopped), should not make requests in parallel, because in this case the consistency of DB can be compromised and data lost.

Other methods work only if the database is running.


The Follow interactor turns on while running a database. It controls the relevance of the current checkpoint.


Stop DB. If you want to periodically stop and start the database in your application, probably, you may want to create a new client when the DB has been stopped.


Write a new record in a database specifying the key and value. Their length must satisfy the requirements specified in configuration files.


Write several records to the database specifying corresponding map in the arguments.

Strict mode (strictMode=true): The operation performs if there are no records with these keys. A list of existed records is returned.

Optional mode (strictMode=false): The operation performs regardless of whether there are records with these keys or not. A list of existed records is returned.

Important: this argument is a reference argument; it cannot be changed in the called code!


Write several records to the database specified the corresponding map in the arguments. This method exists in order to fill the database faster before it starts. The method is not for parallel use.


Read one record from the database. In the received report there will be a result code. If it is positive, that means that the value in the right data field.


Read several records. There is a limit on the maximum number of readable records in the configuration. Except found records the list of not found records is returned.


Read several records. The method can be called when the database is stopped (not running). The method is not for parallel use.


Remove a single record.


Strict mode (true): Delete several records. It is possible only if all records are in the database. If at least there is a lack of one record, none of records will be deleted.

Optional mode (false): Delete several records. All found records from the list in will be deleted in DB.


Make a transaction. The transaction should be added in the database at the stage of creating and configuring. The user of the database is responsible for the consistency of the functionality of transaction handlers between different runs of the database. The transaction returns new values which are stored in the DB.


Get the number of records in the database. A request can be made only when the database has started.


Get the number of records in the database. Requests to a stopped (or not running), database cannot be made in parallel!


Get a list of all database keys. With a large number of records in the database, the request will be slow. Use it only at great need to avoid problems. The method works only when the database is running.


Get a list of all database keys. With a large number of records in the database, the request will be slow. Use it only at great need to avoid problems. The method is not for parallel use while using a request when database is stopped (or not running).


Get a list of all keys with prefix specified in the argument (prefix is the begging of record string).


If you specify the path to the database directory all configuration parameters will be reset to the default:

cof, err, wrn := Db(dirPath) . Create()

Default values can be found in the /config.go file. But each of the parameters can be configured:

	LimitMemory(100 * 1000000).
	LimitDisk(1000 * 1000000).
	Handler("handler1", &handler1).
	Handler("handler2", &handler2).


Specify the work directory where the database will store files. In case of a new database the directory should not contain files with the “log”, “check”, “checkpoint” extensions.


The maximum number of records which database can add at a time (this applies to setting up internal processes; this does not apply to the number of records added at a time). Decreasing of this parameter slightly improves the latency (but not too much). Increasing of this parameter slightly degrades the latency, but at the same time increases the throughput.


A number of operations which is going to be written to one log file. Small number forces the database creates new files very often, and it adversely affects the speed of the database. A big number reduces the number of pauses while creating files, but the size of files increases.


The size of the time interval for starting the Follow interactor, which analyzes old logs and periodically creates new checkpoints.


The option specifies after how many full log files it is necessary to create a new checkpoint (the smaller number, the more often it should be created). For good productivity, it’s better not to do it too often.


The option allows the database works at startup, even if the last log file was completed incorrectly, i.e. the last record is corrupted (a typical situation for an abnormal shutdown). By default, the option is enabled.


This is the maximum allowable key length.


This is the maximum size of the value length.


This is the maximum number of records that is possible per operation.


The option is for deleting old files. After Follow has created a new checkpoint, with the permission of this option, it removes unnecessary operations logs. If for some reason it’s needed to store the whole log of operations, this option can be disabled. But be ready that this will increase the consumption of disk space.


This is the minimum size of free RAM. When this limit reaches, the database terminates all operations and stops to avoid data loss.


This is the minimum amount of free space on the hard drive. When this limit reaches, the database terminates all operations and stops to avoid data loss.


Add a transaction handler. It is important that the name of the handler and the results of its work should be idempotent while running the same database at different time. Otherwise handlers will work differently and it will leads to a violation of data consistency. If you intend to make changes to handlers time to time, adding a version number to the key helps streamline this process.


Example of a handler without using an argument

func HandlerExchange(arg []byte, recs map[string][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error) {
	if arg != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Args not null.")
	} else if len(recs) != 2 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Want 2 records, have %d", len(recs))
	recsKeys := make([]string, 0, 2)
	recsValues := make([][]byte, 0, 2)
	for k, v := range recs {
		recsKeys = append(recsKeys, k)
		recsValues = append(recsValues, v)
	out := make(map[string][]byte, 2)
	out[recsKeys[0]] = recsValues[1]
	out[recsKeys[1]] = recsValues[0]
	return out, nil

Example of a handler using an argument

func HandlerDebit(arg []byte, recs map[string][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error) {
	if arg == nil || len(arg) != 8 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid Argument: %v.", arg)
	} else if len(recs) != 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Want 1 record, have %d", len(recs))
	delta := bytesToUint64(arg)
	var recKey string
	var recValue []byte
	for k, v := range recs {
		recKey = k
		recValue = v
	if len(recValue) != 8 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("The length of the value in the record is %d bytes, but 8 bytes are needed", len(recValue))
	curAmount := bytesToUint64(recValue)
	newAmount := curAmount + delta
	if curAmount > newAmount {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Account overflow. There is %d, a debit of %d.", curAmount, delta)
	return map[string][]byte{recKey: uint64ToBytes(newAmount)}, nil


Add several handlers to the database at once. Important: handlers with matching keys are overwritten.


A mandatory command (must be the last one) finishes the configuration and creates the database.



At starting DB, the number in the end should be a checkpoint. If it is not, the database has been stopped incorrectly. In this “error” case the last available checkpoint and all logs after the checkpoint are loaded until it is possible.

Load the data until it is possible and finish the loading (there is must be a broken log (log with uncompleted data) or last log which has created before database has been stopped incorrectly, so you can load all available data). After all available data has loaded the database creates a new checkpoint. Only after it you can continue work with code.


After the database has been started, it writes all operations to a log. As a result, the log file can greatly grow. If at the end of the application work the database is correctly stopped, a new checkpoint appears. At the next start of DB, the data will be taken from it.

But if the database is incorrectly stopped a new checkpoint will not be created. In this case, at a new start of DB, the database loads the old checkpoint and re-performs all operations that has been completed and recorded in the log. This process can take much time, and as a result, the database will be loading for a long time (not always acceptable for applications).

That is why there is the follower mechanism in the database that methodically goes through the logs while working of the database and periodically creates checkpoints which are closer to the current moment. Also, the follower has a functionality to clean old logs and checkpoints in order to free up the space of hard drive.

Data storage

Your data is stored as files in the directory that has been specified while creating the database. Files with the log extension contain a description of completed operations. Files with the checkpoint extension contain snapshots of the database state at a certain point. Files with the check extension contain an incomplete snapshot of the database state. Using the RemoveUnlessLogs configuration parameter, you can force the database to delete old and unnecessary files in order to save the disk space.

If the database is stopped in the regular mode, the last file, which has been written to the disk, is the checkpoint file. The number of the checkpoint will be the maximum number. If the database is stopped incorrectly, most likely that files with the log or check extensions will have the maximum number.

Attention! Before the database has not been completely stopped, it is forbidden to carry out any operations with database files.

If you want to copy the database to somewhere, you must copy all content of the directory. If you want to take a minimum of files while copying, then you need: to copy the file with the checkpoint extension (which has the maximum number), and all files with the log extension (which have bigger number than copied file with the checkpoint extension).

Data loading after an incorrect shutdown

If the application work, which is using the database, is not completed correctly, then at the next staring the application, the database will try to find the last valid snapshot of the checkpoint state.

When the file is found, the database will upload it, and then upload all the log files with big numbers. We expect that the last log file might not be filled completely because during the recording the work could be interrupted.

Only undamaged part is uploaded from the damaged file and after that the database uploading is considering as completed.

At the end of the uploading, the database creates a new checkpoint. If system crashes occur during the start (loading) of the database, it possible to get errors and violation of data consistency.

Error Codes

Error codes are stored here: github.com/claygod/coffer/reports/codes If the Ok code is received, the operation is finished completely. If the Code contains Error (the operation has not been completed or not fully completed, or completed with an error), you can continue working with the database. If the code contains Panic, you cannot continue working with the database because of it stage.

Code List

Code checks through methods

In order not to export data to an application (which works with a database), reports have methods:

It is not very convenient to make large switches to check the received codes. You can limit yourself to just three checks:




Copyright © 2019-2022 Eduard Sesigin. All rights reserved. Contacts: claygod@yandex.ru