


Author: Chee-Kheng Chng

Given monocular images, MRO estimates their absolute orientations. It is

  1. robust against pure rotation motion (equipped with the relative rotation estimator from openGV (https://laurentkneip.github.io/opengv/))
  2. capable of loop closing
  3. a constant time rotation avergaing solver (due to its incremental nature).

It is an extension to IRotAvg from https://github.com/ajparra/iRotAvg.


MRO is released under a GPLv3 license.

For a closed-source version of MRO (e.g., for commercial purposes), please contact the author.

For an academic use of MRO, please cite C.-K. Chng, Á. Parra, T.-J. Chin, Y. Latif: Monocular Rotational Odometry with Incremental Rotation Averaging and Loop Closure, DICTA 2020


Tested on:


Finally, to install MRO

first edit line 8 and 10 in /src/CMakelist.txt to appropriate directories


(binary is compiled inside src)


The demo.sh bash file in written to run KITTI seq00. The sequence (and the entire dataset) can be downloaded here.

Edit the I/O paths appropriately.

ORB feature extractor used in MRO takes config.yaml and ORBvoc.txt as inputs, both are provided in /data. The current config is tuned according to the camera parameters of KITTI sequence00. It needs to be adjusted accordingly when running on other datasets.

Run ./demo.sh


As seen in demo.sh

In /src/IRotAvg.cpp