


An opinionated Hexo theme for blogs with long blocks of text. Demo.

It's best suited for blogs with a lot of longform writing, and it's designed to give the reader as smooth of a reading experience as possible. I wrote Ascent because it seemed that none of the Hexo themes available had this aim; unlike most Hexo themes, the focus of Ascent is to make posts that read like magazine articles or newspaper features.

Read more about Ascent design on the demo. See how Ascent formats Markdown on the demo.


npm install -g hexo-cli
hexo init <site>
cd <site>
git clone https://github.com/cjquines/hexo-theme-ascent themes/ascent

Then set your theme in _config.yml to ascent.


Here's what can be changed in themes/ascent/_config.yml:

  Home: /
  Archives: /archives
  Github: https://github.com/cjquines