


A tool for building graphical depictions of traceroutes from many source locations to a single destination. This tool uses RIPE Atlas formatted data to fold a multititude of traceroutes from many starting locations around the world (for example Atlas Probes) into a tree structure with the traceroute destination at the tree root and the starting points at the leaves. The nodes in the middle are the IP routers where the packet stops.

To run

git clone git://github.com/cjdelisle/treetracert.git
cd treetracert
npm install
node ./server.js
### Open your favorite browser to and see the result

Interpreting results

Running with different input data

This is by default running set of traceroutes to cloudflare anycast DNS nodes from RIPE Atlas probes in New Zealand. To run it with different data, just change the content of the file source_data.json. Here is the command which got that data.

wget -4 'https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v1/measurement/1850590/result/?start=1422662400&stop=1422748799&format=json' -O ./www/source_data.json
