


A port of Ezy-Slicer for the Godot game engine.

Example Image


Built as a Godot module in C++, Slicer is a port of David Arayan's Ezy-Slicer Unity plugin (who deserves all credit). It allows for the dynamic slicing of convex meshes along a plane. Built against Godot version 3.2.1.


Slicer follows the installation procedure defined in the Godot custom module documentation guide. It can be built into a compilation of the engine by cloning the repo into Godot's modules folder:

git clone git@github.com:cj-dimaggio/godot-slicer.git <godot-repo>/modules/slicer


After building Godot with the Slicer module a Slicer node will now be available under Spatial. A Slicer instance can then be used to trigger slices of Mesh geometry like so:

extends RigidBody

class_name Sliceable

export(Material) var cross_section_material
export(Mesh) var mesh_override

func _ready():
	if mesh_override:
		$MeshInstance.mesh = mesh_override

	# Setup the collision shape to be the mesh's shape
	var shape = ConvexPolygonShape.new()
	shape.points = $MeshInstance.mesh.surface_get_arrays(0)[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX]
	shape.margin = 0.015
	var owner_id = self.create_shape_owner(self)
	self.shape_owner_add_shape(owner_id, shape)

func cut(plane_origin: Vector3, plane_normal: Vector3):
	var sliced: SlicedMesh = $Slicer.slice($MeshInstance.mesh, self.transform, plane_origin, plane_normal, cross_section_material)

    if not sliced:
        print("No slice occurred")
    if sliced.upper_mesh:
        print("Instantiate the upper cut mesh somewhere")

    if sliced.lower_mesh:
        print("Instantiate the lower cut mesh somewhere")

An example project can also be found at: https://github.com/cj-dimaggio/godot-slicer-example-project


For development purposes, Slicer can be built as a dynamic library by passing in the slicer_shared=no option to SCons and using the slicer-shared build alias, such as:

scons slicer_shared=yes slicer-shared

which will build a new dynamic library artifact into Godot's ./bin folder.

There is also a test suite that can be built and run on Unix systems using:

scons platform=osx slicer_tests=yes

For more information on the testing framework and development see the corresponding readme.