

Bicycle-Parking Build Status

Bicycle Parking Locations in the City of Chattanooga.


Chattanooogan's loves their bikes and their technology so why not mash these two up. The City of Chattanooga is posting locations of known bicycle parking facilities within the city on Github for anyone to update.

How to Contribute

  1. Technical Way To contribute, fork the project and update the bicycle_parking.geojson file and send a pull request with the changes. You can use Mapbox's nifty http://geojson.io/ project to work with the data in a browser if you are not familar with desktop Geographic Information Systems ("GIS") programs such as QGIS.

  2. Non-Technical Way Submit an issue with a detailed description of the bicycle parking location (address, business, intersection), bicycle parking type, number of spaces and if possible the latitude and longitude.


The data available on this website, including GIS data, maps, tables, numbers, graphics, and text (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Information"), is provided AS IS and for you to view, access, copy, distribute and otherwise use the Information at your own risk. City of Chattanooga and its affiliated entities, elected and appointed officers, officials, employees and agents make no representation or warranty of any kind regarding this website or Information, explicit or implied.