<h1 align="center"> <br> <img src="./ccat.png" alt="CCAT" width="200"></a> <br> Cisco Config Analysis Tool <br> </h1>
This tool is designed to analyze the configuration files of Cisco devices. The list of checks is based on the Cisco Guide to Harden Cisco IOS Devices.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The simplest way to use:
python3 configuration_file
ccat.exe configuration_file
Extended options:
python3 config_directory -vlanmap vlmap.txt -output result_html_files_directory --storm_level 40.0 --max_number_mac 100 --disabled-interfaces --no-console-display --graph network_map
configs - path to the configuration file or directory with configuration files
-vlanmap - path to vlanmap file
-output - path to output html files directory
--storm_level - appropriate level for storm-control (by default value = 80)
--max_number_mac - maximum number of mac-addresses for port-security (by default value = 10)
--disabled-interfaces - check interfaces even if they are turned off
--no-console-display - output analysis results in html files directory or into network graph
--dump-creds - dump usernames, passwords and hashes from configs
--graph - builds network map of VLANs (you may left the argument empty to get into interactive mode or define a file name for graph output in png extension)