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What is sim-C?

<p align="justify">Often people have trouble programming in C (especially beginners) due to its low level syntax and unavailability of stable third party libraries. We present sim-C a high-level front end for C which creates a dynamically typed syntax for C. Users can write code in this high level syntax and then compile it to optimized C code. sim-C does not process the code and simply translates it to C thus, there is no possibility of the code running slowly. So, with sim-C users can write code faster using the high level syntax and at the same time be able to harness the power and speed of a C program.</p>


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cimplec/sim-c/master/images/simc-pipeline.png"> </p>

Important links

  1. <a href="https://cimplec.github.io/docs">Official documentation</a>
  2. <a href="https://github.com/cimplec/sim-c/wiki/">simC Wiki</a>

New Developers

<p align="justify">New developers can join simC New Devs slack channel where they can get help from core developers on their issues, link to the slack channel - <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/sim-cnewdevs/shared_invite/zt-ky44bntx-WHiw41q1nam4AmktMggsCg">simC New Devs Slack</a></p>

OSS Programs

  1. Hacktoberfest 2020
  2. KWoC (Kharagpur Winter of Code) 2020
  3. SWoC (Script Winter of Code) 2021

Contributor blogs

Follow this link to read blogs written by contributors after completing various OSS programs.


sim-C is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.0. LICENSE